All Health Service Journal articles in 19 July 2017 – Page 4

  • Harry Cayton

    Government accused of 'contradictory' health regulation policies


    The body overseeing the professional regulation for healthcare workers in the UK has criticised the government for its “contradictory” policies and continuing with an “outdated” model.

  • 13 liverpool city
    HSJ Local

    CCG bosses told their pay is 'significantly higher' than peers


    NHS England is to update its guidance on pay for clinical commissioning groups after a review found “significantly higher” remuneration levels at Liverpool CCG. 

  • GP receptionist

    Survey: Patients waiting longer for GP appointments


    Patients’ overall experience of their GP surgery has declined and more patients are waiting longer to get an appointment, new data shows.

  • Sunderland museum and winter gardens
    HSJ Local

    Acute services could switch provider in major overhaul


    Consultation launched into future of stroke, maternity, gynaecology and paediatric services in South Tyneside and Sunderland Proposed options will see majority of specialist services centralised at Sunderland Royal Hospital Services at South Tyneside District Hospital would be downgraded or closed Hospital based stroke, maternity, gynaecology and paediatric services ...

  • hunt confed 3

    Ministers consider funding cuts for delayed discharges laggards


    Poorly performing councils could see 2018-19 social care funding cut, says Jeremy Hunt Hunt names 12 most ‘challenged’ councils which face a CQC review Social care chiefs slam late ‘changes to guidance which undermine collective effort required’ Minsters are “considering” cutting funding for councils performing poorly against new ...

  • Andrea Sutcliffe

    CQC: Social care £2bn not just for cutting hospital delays


    Additional government funding for social care this Parliament is “there for social care in its entirety”, not only preventing delays in hospitals, the sector’s chief inspector has said.

  • nhs improvement

    Analysis: Fall in number of trusts top-rated by NHS Improvement


    Number of trusts receiving top NHS Improvement rated dropped by 14 per cent since October 2016 17 trusts have seen their rating drop, 18 have seen it improve The trusts that have either entered or exited the worst rating of four closely align with the CQC’s special measures regime ...