All Health Service Journal articles in 19 October 2016 – Page 7

  • Iv therapy acute care hospital patient

    Delayed transfers reach highest ever level


    Delayed transfers of care in August hit their highest level since monthly data started being collected six years ago.

  • Jackie Daniel chief executive of University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay Foundation Trust

    Trust chief threatened with injunction by royal college


    Royal College of Midwives threatened to injunct University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay Trust Midwife Jeanette Parkinson was a union official for the RCM and received an “irregular” exit payment in 2012 Trust chief executive Jackie Daniel: “My judgement was clear about doing the right thing” The Royal College ...

  • handshake
    HSJ Local

    Greater Manchester CCGs working towards single commissioning team


    Proposals for a joint management team across CCGs and adult social care services in Bury, Rochdale and Oldham Potential for single health and wellbeing board also being considered Plans seen as best way to drive through reconfiguration of hospital services Commissioning chiefs are working on plans for a ...

  • manager 2

    Senior managers leave Capita team running troubled GP contract


    Two senior managers leave Capita’s troubled primary care support service Jill Matthews, former managing director for PCS, has now been “embedded” in Capita with other NHS England personnel NHS England has begun daily performance meetings with Capita over PCS service failures Medical records service problems expected to be resolved ...

  • Stockport
    HSJ Local

    MCP vanguard looks to take on A&E


    Stockport MCP to include hospital services including the emergency department, acute medicine, and frail elderly care One option is for Stockport Foundation Trust to hold the contract Decision to be made in November Leaders of a high profile vanguard project in Greater Manchester have moved away from the ...

  • David Behan

    Vast majority of mental health trusts have safety concerns, CQC warns


    All but three of NHS mental health trusts inspected before July rated inadequate or requires improvement 80 per cent of acute mental health wards inspected before July have safety concerns CQC chief executive not calling for cash injection despite “unsuitable buildings” creating suicide risks Mental health trusts are ...

  • Emergency department

    CQC: A&E and general medicine are worst performing services


    More A&E and general medicine services rated badly than others CQC chief calls for extra funding for adult social care citing direct “link” with pressure in A&E David Behan says hospitals could meet A&E targets by addressing “flow” and by collaborating The Care Quality Commission today released figures ...

  • Whistle

    Daily Insight: Whistling in the wind


    HSJ’s round-up of Wednesday’s must read stories

  • Information through technology

    Former DH director joins Google artificial intelligence company


    A former senior director at the Department of Health has joined DeepMind, the artificial intelligence company known for its data sharing work with the Royal Free London Foundation Trust.

  • University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust

    Exclusive: 'Irregular' payoff deal revealed at scandal hit trust


    Internal review at University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay uncovers unusual exit payment deal Jeanette Parkinson, a senior midwife involved in the care failings at the trust, left it after the deal in spring 2012 It appeared to include a significant overpayment and a commitment by the trust not to ...

  • Nurse

    Trusts named to test new nursing associate role


    Health Education England has named the trusts to lead work piloting the new nursing associate role, and confirmed double the number of people will be trained for the new position than originally planned.

  • Dave west expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    The Commissioner: The road to reconfiguration


    What NHS England isn’t telling you, and more indispensable weekly insight for commissioners, by Dave West

  • Henrietta Hughes

    Whistleblower guardian will 'not be an investigation body'


    National guardian for the freedom to speak up says her office will “not be an investigation body” Henrietta Hughes started as national guardian last week Dr Hughes says she has raised concerns twice in her career, and says it should be part of NHS “business as usual” The ...

  • Chris Hopson

    STPs are making plans 'they do not believe can be delivered'


    STPs are drawing up “vastly over-ambitious plans”, says Chris Hopson He says plans will not command political support Extra revenue in the autumn statement is ’extremely unlikely’, but ‘door slightly open’ on capital funding Health economy leaders are being forced to draw up sustainability plans which they do ...

  • Simon Stevens

    Daily Insight: The most powerful people in the NHS


    The must read stories and talking points from Tuesday

  • Screen shot 2016 10 10 at 14.06.29
    HSJ Knowledge

    New HSJ channel showcases work of STP pioneers


    Our series of articles and videos about sustainability and transformation plans kicks off with a video of talk at NHS Expo

  • Dorrell 3x2

    Time for hard choices in the NHS


    The Autumn Statement is the perfect time to remind ourselves that the health service can no longer succeed in isolation

  • Tool kit

    Huge spike in 'high risk' maintenance problems at trusts


    NHS providers face costs of £775m to deal with high risk maintenance issues, compared to £458m in 2014-15 Providers’ investment in estates maintenance has reduced every year since 2013 as capital budgets have been increasingly squeezed Increasing backlog raises risk of fires and power outages The backlog of ...

  • Law

    NHS England accused of 'abuse of public money' over legal appeal


    NHS England to appeal High Court judgment requiring it to prescribe a drug to teenager with narcolepsy Patient is soon to turn 18 and has already been told her local CCG will fund the drug from then Father says appeal is “ridiculous” and “abuse of public money” NHS England ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Getting twitchy at Q2


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black