All Health Service Journal articles in 2006

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  • News

    Review reveals shortcomings in medic recruitment


    The review into the Modernising Medical Careers recruitment and selection process for specialist training has recommended applicants should be allowed to provide CVs and portfolios to support their applications after finding shortcomings in the process.Junior doctors who fear they have had applications overlooked in the first round will have their ...

  • News

    Scottish surplus


    The NHS in Scotland ended the last financial year in surplus, according to figures published today. At the end of 2005-06, the health service had underspent its £9bn budget by £70.6m, Audit Scotland has reported. The previous year resulted in a deficit of £32m.

  • News

    UK tops state spend poll


    More healthcare is funded by the state in the UK than in many other Western countries, a study claims. An analysis of 12 comparable nations found that the NHS's share of UK spending increased from 80 per cent in 1998 to 86 per cent in 2005, due to extra government ...

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    Radiation overdose triggers probe


    Immediate inspections of Scotland's five cancer radiotherapy centres will be held after a report into a radiation overdose found a catalogue of failings.

  • Comment

    Michael White on politics


    'Some Labour MPs suspect the NHS could have run more such centres just as well'

  • News

    Michael White on politics


    'Does the first glimpse of the new, kinder Tory health policy amount to much? Blair didn't think so'

  • Comment

    Michael White on politics


    Halfway through the Queen's Speech debate's NHS segment, Judy Mallaber, former Unison researcher and now Labour MP for Amber Valley, shamed us all by diverting from local UK problems to those of the Democratic Republic of the Congo whose recent elections the MP had helped to monitor for fairness.

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    Michael white on politics


    'The GMC last month took the historic step of abandoning the principle of self-regulation. It has yet to do so officially'

  • Comment

    Michael White on politics


    Tony Blair made an interesting speech in Nottingham the other day, entitled 'Healthy Living: whose responsibility?'. It didn't get a lot of attention in the newspapers that I read, though Number 10 tells me that such discussions generate huge local attention as they affect real people's real lives.

  • Comment

    Media watch


    'Only The Guardianfelt Channel Five's screening of a Caesarean section on Sunday night warranted much attention'

  • News

    Media watch


    'Researchers have found that the 29 primary care trusts in surplus in 2004-05 were mainly in inner-city areas'

  • News

    Media watch


    The NHS entered the debate about What Not to Wearthis week as the Daily Expresstrumpeted: 'The veil is banned in hospitals.' The paper revealed 'details of the purge of faceless medics' at Birmingham University's school of medicine. Students are allowed to cover ...

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    Media watch


    Another week and another revelation about the Department of Health's troubled IT programme, this time from a very unlikely source.

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    Media watch


    So we're at last going to see an end to junk food advertising aimed at children. And with the announcement came the expected outcry from companies that make their money selling bad food to kids, as well as health professionals who say the new rules will not go far enough.

  • Comment

    Media watch


    The Timesreported that the proposed deal has 'astonished critics of Novation in the US'

  • News

    PCTs want new look at politics


    The relationship between the NHS and politicians needs to be 'redefined', according to an NHS Confederation poll of primary care trust managers.

  • News

    Two-year turnaround visits likely


    Some turnaround teams sent in to trusts could be there for up to two years, the head of the NHS has admitted to MPs.

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    Inequalities rife


    Health inequalities as measured by life expectancy and infant mortality are getting worse, despite high-profile targets, the Department of Health has admitted. In its mid-year performance review to the Commons, the DoH said it was not on course to meet six of the 22 performance indicators set as part of ...

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    Hemel Hospital to lose key services


    Hemel Hempstead Hospital is to be stripped of its acute services despite a 30-year campaign to keep services in the town.

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    PCT 'voice' to be heard


    An organisation to provide a voice for primary care trusts in the NHS Confederation is due to be launched next month.