All Health Service Journal articles in 2006 – Page 12

  • News

    New regulations on mental capacity research


    The government has responded to the consultation on the Mental Capacity Act draft regulations, governing people with impaired mental capacity and their involvement in research work.The response covers proposals for appointing a body to oversee research arrangements for people who previously gave consent, then subsequently lost the mental capacity to ...

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    Efficiency savings costed at £2.2bn


    The Department of Health is to expand the number of productivity indicators on which trusts are compared as the first set of figures revealed the NHS could save £2.2bn a year if it improved its efficiency.

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    World Health Organisation makes flu vaccine warning


    Immediate and sustained action and funding is needed if the world is to be prepared for an influenza pandemic, the World Health Organisation has said. The organisation said stocks of influenza vaccines were several billion doses short and could lead to a public health crisis ...

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    New NI guidance for child death procedures


    The Northern Irish Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety has published a consultation paper on procedures to be followed in cases of sudden unexpected child deaths.The regional child death review protocol recommends a multi-agency approach to be followed in cases on unexpected deaths of children up to 18 ...

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    Law on assisted dying is 'not working', says charity


    A charity campaigning for the legalisation of euthanasia has argued that the UK is failing terminally ill people and their loved ones.On Friday, David March was given a 12-month suspended sentence for helping his wife, who had suffered from multiple sclerosis, to die.Dignity in Dying chief executive Deborah Annetts said ...

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    Improving outcomes for wheelchair users


    Out and About: wheelchairs as part of a whole systems approach to independencehas been published by the Department of Health. The document provides a view of the current state of wheelchair provision and makes recommendations on how the NHS working with partners can improve outcomes ...

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    Response to NHS charges report


    The Department of Health has published its response to July's Commons health select committee report on NHS charging. The response covers charges levied on patients and families for prescription dental charges, sight tests, additional charges for some clinical services, assistance with transport costs and charges ...

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    New head of policy at ASH


    Asthma UK policy and campaigns director Martin Dockrell has been appointed as the new head of policy at pressure group Action on Smoking and Health. Mr Dockrell was an AIDS activist in the 1980s and 1990s. For the last five years he has worked closely ...

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    Michael White on politics


    Tony Blair on the Prime Ministers Question Time and the Health Care Commissions annual rating

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    Commission says sorry for PCT score mistakes


    The Healthcare Commission has apologised for sending 62 primary care trusts the wrong ratings last week. The commission was alerted to the errors by PCTs, which were given their individual scores on Tuesday, ahead of the official launch of figures for all of England on Thursday.

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    Child visitors face ban


    A hospital trust has drawn up contingency plans to severely restrict child visitors if patients are at risk from diarrhoea and vomiting bugs.

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    Only two top scorers in first year of healthcheck ratings


    Just two organisations, both of them foundation trusts, have scored top marks in the first healthcheck ratings by the Healthcare Commission.