All Health Service Journal articles in 2006 – Page 2

  • News

    Mental health is subsidising other trusts


    Mental health trusts are being forced to subsidise other parts of the health economy, a report has warned.

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    Half of new nurses out of work


    Almost half of newly qualified nurses have not been able to find jobs this year, MPs heard last week.

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    Lord Warner to limit GP pensions


    The government has moved to limit increases in GP pensions, claiming patient services could be at risk if it did not act.

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    Tribute to 'hounded' GP


    Health chiefs who were accused of 'hounding' a GP who eventually hanged himself have set up an award to commemorate his work.

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    No fence for LINks


    Funding for local involvement networks will not be ringfenced, the government has announced. In its response to consultation to its July proposal to establish the networks, the Department of Health said that funding to local authorities would be 'allocated as a targeted but not ringfenced grant'.

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    Scottish patients face forced quarantine


    Members of the public could be quarantined by force in their own homes if they have contracted or been exposed to a serious infectious disease under new legislation being considered by the Scottish Executive.

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    Government remains ever loyal to Evercare


    The Department of Health is standing by a scheme to keep frail and elderly patients out of hospital, despite a critical study which cast doubt on the model's effectiveness.

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    Surrey social enterprise prepares for launch


    England's largest so-called 'social enterprise' offering healthcare services will launch in shadow form on 1 August.

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    New push to engage with staff on reform


    The government is creating an advisory group to 'provide strategic advice' on reform of the health and social care system.

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    Emergency services warning


    Strategic health authorities and primary care trusts should not be left to redesign emergency services locally without national planning, Royal College of Surgeons president Bernard Ribeiro has warned.

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    Non-execs step down from troubled trust


    Three non-executive directors have stepped down at a trust beset with financial problems and controversy over possible service changes.

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    RCP: don't measure medics on HES


    Trust data is 'not accurate enough' to monitor the performance of individual consultants, the Royal College of Physicians has warned.

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    GMC offers an end to doctors' self-regulation


    The General Medical Council has proposed an historic change to its make-up that would effectively end self-regulation of the medical profession.

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    Scottish helpline implicated in two deaths


    The future of NHS 24, Scotland's troubled nurse-led helpline, again looked in doubt last week after a judge concluded it was implicated in the deaths of two patients.

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    Potential conflicts investigated


    The Department of Health is 'constantly' checking for conflicts of interests arising for firms such as McKinsey hired to give the government advice, MPs heard last week.

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    Operating framework: concerns over missed targets


    The operating framework 2007-08 identifies some concerns about NHS targets - in particular, missed mental health targets and risks around the 18-week referral-to-treatment target.

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    Competing commissioners ruled out


    The government has no plans to introduce competition between NHS commissioners, the prime minister's health adviser told the NHS Alliance conference.

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    Health Commission Wales under threat


    A major question-mark has been placed over the future of Health Commission Wales - the agency dealing with highly specialised services - after it was slammed by the Welsh Assembly's audit committee.

  • Comment

    Sophia Christie on telling our story


    'Formal public meetings only ever engage the sort of people who like attending formal public meetings'

  • News

    More choice on food for Scottish patients


    Scottish hospitals are offering patients more choice of food but are still not doing enough to make sure their nutritional needs are met, a watchdog said last week.