All Health Service Journal articles in 26 July 2017 – Page 6

  • hospital corridor

    CCG targets millions in savings under Right Care programme


    West Kent CCG uses NHS Right Care data to identify five priority areas for savings Plans to reduce A&E attendances and prescribing costs Investment needed to change care models that no longer meeting patients’ needs Commissioners in Kent plan to save more than £7m by reducing unwarranted variation ...

  • Hospital sign
    HSJ Local

    Trust seeks partner to fund major hospital shake-up


    A struggling West Midlands trust intends to go out to procurement for a partner to help fund a major reconfiguration of its acute services.

  • Brain scan
    HSJ Local

    Mental health crisis unit fails to hit admission target


    Proportion of service users referred back into community falls from 79 per cent to 55 per cent in March Service user complains that men and women are treated in the same room which is “completely inappropriate and very unsafe and scary for vulnerable women” Trust highlighted large number of ...

  • St Mary's Hospital Isle of Wight
    HSJ Local

    Special measures trust rejects 14 per cent savings target


    Isle of Wight Trust initially accepted a control total deficit of £0.4m, which required savings of 14 per cent But following further financial deterioration it now has an £18.8m deficit plan Trust was rated inadequate by the CQC earlier this year An NHS trust that is trying to ...

  • David Pearson
    HSJ Local

    Trust chair steps in to lead STP


    NHS England has appointed a community trust chair as interim leader for the Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent sustainability and transformation partnership, following failure to recruit a permanent head since November.

  • Tracy Dowling
    HSJ Local

    CCG chief officer leaving to lead foundation trust


    Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG chief to head up mental health and community care trust Tracy Dowling replaces Aidan Thomas who is retiring in the summer Ms Dowling is also accountable officer of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough STP Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group chief officer Tracy Dowling is leaving ...

  • Simon Worthington
    HSJ Local

    'Outstanding' finance director joins teaching trust


    A finance director who turned around the fortunes of a struggling foundation trust is to join a teaching trust with a turnover of more than £1bn.

  • Joe Gammie
    Expert Briefing

    Mental Health Matters: Leading from the front or just paying lip service


    A new fortnightly briefing covering quality, performance and finances in the mental health sector.

  • Call centre

    NHS England admits 'flaw' in flagship patient choice scheme


    NHS England identifies “flaw” in patient choice scheme, following concerns highlighted by Sarah Wollaston The national scheme was launched in 2015 and allows patients to register with a GP away from their home area Patients may have received incorrect information when they called NHS 111 A “flaw” in ...

  • Lambeth
    HSJ Local

    CCG and council tender £620m alliance contract


    Alliance contract worth between £620m and £650m for up to 10 years Contract jointly tendered by Lambeth council and CCG Contract value could drop by up to 15 per cent over 10 years as services become more efficient South London commissioners have tendered a new alliance contract for ...

  • Jeremy Hunt
    HSJ Local

    Jeremy Hunt warned over deaths risk after scan results missed


    Patient not told of aneurysm for four years before his death Trust had no protocol in place to flag up £potentially life threatening” radiological results Health secretary asked to consider a trust review of procedures A coroner has called on the health secretary to examine a trust’s systems ...

  • Police
    HSJ Local

    Inquest prompts police probe into inpatient deaths


    Police launch probe into patient deaths at acute adult inpatient unit The Essex Police probe is investigating whether there is a criminal case to answer over the deaths of patients at the Linden Centre, now run by Essex Partnership University Foundation Trust Seven patients have died at the unit ...

  • Alastair mc lellan

    Revealed: the Tory minister who could take Jeremy Hunt’s job


    The NHS section of the Tory Manifesto begins with a statement which could have happily been penned by Jeremy Corbyn.

  • Royal Hallamshire Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Teaching trust seeks bidders for outsourced elective work


    A large teaching trust is seeking bidders for up to £25m worth of outsourced services including elective surgery as part of contingency plans to cope with increased demand.

  • richard beeken

    NHS Improvement director appointed to board of struggling trust


    A former NHS Improvement director has been made chief operating officer of a cash strapped West Midlands trust.

  • Budget
    HSJ Local

    Provider alliance plans expansion as budget triples


    Plans to increase shared budget from £3.7m to £12.3m have been agreed Alliance is in talks with Surrey and Borders Partnership Foundation Trust Alliance wants to set up a centre of excellence for stroke at a cost of £1.8m A pioneering partnership which aims ...

  • Lincoln one use 26 Feb
    HSJ Local

    Trust reveals 'extraordinary measures' after IR35 causes locum shortage


    Locums slashed A&E hours from 295 a week to 52 Consultants stayed overnight in A&E departments to work as middle grades Trust says provision of emergency services remains “very fragile” Locum doctors slashed their hours from 295 per week to just 52 at a struggling hospital trust when ...

  • gps retiring map screengrab

    Mapped: Regions with the most GPs nearing retirement


    NHS Improvement has highlighted the sustainability and transformation partnership footprints with the highest proportion of GPs over 55 and facing the greatest risk of having future GP supply problems.

  • Older couple sorting out bills

    Revealed: The STPs facing the biggest GP retirement risk


    Eleven STPs highlighted for “high” risk of future GP supply problems In seven STP footprints more than 20 per cent of GPs are over 55 Kent and Medway has the highest proportion of older doctors Mapped: The areas with highest proportion of GPs over 55 Eleven sustainability and ...

  • Election logo

    Labour softens stance on STPs in its final election manifesto


    Labour official manifesto softens party stance on sustainability and transformation plans The party now plans to halt and review the STPs instead of simply halting them as set out in the leaked manifesto which was published last week The new manifesto, published today, also sets out the Labour Party’s ...