Best Places to Work 2014 – CCG

  • Full time permanent staff: 79
  • Voluntary staff turnover: 0 per cent
  • Exec team male/female ratio: 63 per cent male/36 per cent female
  • Programme to recruit ethnic diverse staff: No

Nottingham City purchases care for a population of 340,000 with a 2015-16 budget of £398.4m. Of its employees, 74 per cent report effective communication between staff and management, and the organisation achieves further top results for communication between employees and their line managers. By organising monthly “Connect” meetings, staff get the opportunity to hear from its senior team and to ask questions face-to-face.

Best places to work top 10 star

Last November, the CCG established its staff reference group, which meets monthly to discuss aspects of working life within the organisation and how they can be best improved. The CCG offers flexible working in terms of part-time hours, annualised hours, compressed hours, flexi-time, job sharing, term-time working and home working.

As an inclusive employer, the organisation is taking part in an apprenticeship scheme run by local higher education provider New College Nottingham. As part of the scheme, Nottingham City is supporting three apprentice administrators to work for 18 months in different roles and areas within the CCG.

Team working is also a priority, say staff, with 86 per cent agreeing their immediate manager encourages teamwork. As a result of all this, the majority of its employees (93 per cent) would recommend the CCG as a place to work and 83 per cent said they believe its recruitment and selection processes are fair, transparent, inclusive and equitable.