All Health Service Journal articles in 6 December 2007 – Page 3

  • News

    top up reversal


    TheLondonspecialist commissioning group has reversed its decision to deny six hospitals tops ups for their specialist spinal surgery. The move brings the total number ofLondonhospitals eligible for top ups above the payment by results tariff for specialist spinal work from two to eight. The strategic health authority-based SCG’s decision follows ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Transforming lives with psychological therapies


    A Department of Health programme that is making evidence-based psychological therapies more widely available than ever before means thousands of people and their families are having their lives transformed. Evidence shows the programme can reduce GP consultations and acute care activity, alleviating pressure when the NHS is working hard to ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Cancer education in the NHS workforce


    It is a common misconception that people with cancer are exclusively cared for in specialist oncology settings. They are cared for throughout all large teaching hospitals, so appropriate cancer education and training should be accessible to all staff who work with them, argue Katharine Gale and Deirdre McGuigan

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Networking to improve access to psychological therapies


    The London Development Centre's improving access to psychological therapies network was set up to ensure there was an effective communication strategy to promote knowledge and information across London's health and social care communities.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Improving access to psychological therapies in London


    The London Development Centre's improving access to psychological therapies support programme is designed to equip primary care trusts with the tools and techniques needed to drive forward the development of psychological therapy services.

  • Comment

    Kate Silvester on repairing processes in the NHS


    NHS managers are not taught to understand how the symptoms of the NHS are generated by the invisible processes they and their colleagues in other departments manage. NHS shop floor staff are experts in these processes - but only as far as their own role goes. This process blindness leads ...

  • Comment

    Managers could face prosecution without infection control


    Healthcare-associated infections are a serious problem in the NHS. It can only be a matter of time before a prosecution is brought against managers and clinicians at a hospital trust, says Andrew Jones

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Commissioning for public health - changing priorities


    Public health work has too often been isolated from other primary care trust functions. Now trusts in the North West are in the vanguard of efforts to ensure public health priorities drive commissioning, reports Daloni Carlisle

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ali Mohammed on the privilege of training


    There is a world of difference between possessing knowledge and skills and the ability to teach it to others

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Managing A&E demand


    An inner London PCT with a high number of Bangladeshi people going to A&E ran a campaign which altered attendance behaviours

  • News

    New security website launched


    The NHS security management service has launched a new Safe & Secure Health Facilities website. It aims to provide a single point of reference on information of interest to those with responsibility for NHS security matters. It is for members of staff such as local security management specialists, senior ...

  • Comment

    Weird world health


    Health minister Lord Ara Darzi has been learning the potential complications of being in the House of Lords. Saving the life of Lord Brennan, who collapsed during debate of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill, with the aid of a defibrillator, meant his parliamentary business was put back a day. ...

  • Comment

    All Our Yesterdays


    4 December, 1936, Public Assistance Journal and Health & Hospital ReviewPublic assistance and hospital managers looking to liven up life in their institutions this week may have been cheered by an advertisement this week. Clifford Kemp, a 'film renter' based in The Headrow, Leeds, was advertising his 1000 plus 'talking ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health training scheme looks to BME service users for help


    The first national training initiative to involve black and minority ethnic service users in its development and delivery has been launched by the Department of Health as part of its delivering race equality in mental healthcare programme.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Joint working: health and local government


    All eyes are on Chris Bull as he becomes the first person in the country to head up both a council and PCT. Jennifer Taylor reports on a revolution in joined-up working in Herefordshire