WINNER: PwC and NHS England: Frontline Digitisation Support Offer
Offer Frontline Digitisation is the largest digital transformation programme across the NHS. The “first of type” Frontline Digitisation Support Offer has created a new delivery model in how to support digital transformation at scale:
- More than 170 organisations engaged
- Circa 90 per cent feedback from the front of improved delivery readiness
- A community of 770+ solvers across the end-to-end implementation journey
- More than 650 NHS colleagues in f2f “Learning Labs” tailored to their EPR journey across 70 trusts
- Circa 90 per cent positive feedback on the quality of service provided
- A mutually beneficial national-local delivery approach.
Highly commended:
Kaleidoscope Health and Care, NHS England and Frimley Health and Care ICS: Improving Patient Care Through Managing Heart Failure @Home
Attain and Yorkshire Endoscopy Training Academy (YETA) and 13 NHS Acute Trusts in Yorkshire and Humber alongside Humber and North Yorkshire ICB, South Yorkshire ICB and West Yorkshire ICB with NHS England: Pan Yorkshire Endoscopy Training Academy
Changeology Group & Airedale General Hospital: Productivity Improvement Programme
Hill Dickinson LLP and Lancashire & South Cumbria FT: Collaborating for Good – Strengthening Legal Services for Trust Growth and Staff Welfare
Locum’s Nest & University Hospitals Dorset FT: How a Partnership Built on 2-Way Communication Developed Technology Solutions to go Hand in Hand with Trust Policy
NHS Shared Business Services & Norfolk And Waveney Procurement Collaboration: Enhanced Purchase To Pay – Building A System-Wide Transactional Procurement Service
Orri And Sussex Partnership FT: Provider Collaborative And Orri Partnership
Strasys & University Hospitals Of Liverpool Group: A Modern, Motivated Workforce To Shape A Sustainable And Thriving Healthcare System
Winners of HSJ Partnership and inaugural Independent Healthcare Providers Awards revealed
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HSJ Partnership Awards 2025: Best Consultancy Partnership with the NHS
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