WINNER: Lilly UK & Dementias Platform UK and The Trials Delivery Framework, in collaboration with Greater Manchester MHFT, Oxford Health FT, University Hospitals Sussex FT and Sheffield Teaching Hospital FT: Improving Accurate, Early Diagnosis Of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Cerebral Spinal Fluid Testing

This ambitious national collaborative pilot involving Lilly UK, Dementias Platform UK, and four NHS trusts, seeks to deliver earlier and more precise Alzheimer’s Disease diagnoses through cerebral spinal fluid testing (CSF). Its further goal is to understand the costs and benefits of CSF testing in order to establish a framework for services across the NHS. Early diagnosis of AD allows patients and their caregivers to make informed decisions, plan ahead, and access suitable care, including clinical trials. Organisers believe that this transformative project has the potential to revolutionise the diagnostic landscape of AD in the UK, thereby improving outcomes for patients.

Highly commended:

MSD and Edinburgh Cancer Centre: EPIC – Early Prehabilitation in Lung Cancer Project


Boehringer Ingelheim, Royal Papworth Hospital FT, East Suffolk And North Essex FT & Colchester Hospital: A Partnership Project To Develop And Deliver An Innovative Multi-Trust Hybrid Virtual/In-Person Clinic Model, Bringing Specialist Interstitial Lung Disease Care Closer To Home For Patients In The East Of England

Bristol Myers Squibb: Collaborating For Prehabilitation

Lilly And NHS Gloucestershire Hospitals: Development Of An Electronic Patient Reported Outcome Measures Platform For Breast Cancer

Sanofi And Lancashire & South Cumbria ICS: Mapping Of Front-End Skin Pathway – A Collaborative Journey To Optimise Dermatology Pathways And Improve Patient Outcomes

Sanofi & The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals FT: Asthma Service – To Improve The Identification & Follow Up Of Patients With Asthma Who Attend Or Are Admitted To Hospital Outside Of The Respiratory Department

Sanofi & University Hospitals Birmingham FT: A Collaborative Working Project To Improve Patient Experience And Service Delivery In The Severe Asthma Service

West Of Scotland Cancer Network - Skin Cancer Managed Clinical Network NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, NHS Lanarkshire, NHS Forth Valley, NHS Ayrshire & Arran Sanofi: Non Melanoma Skin Cancer Pathway Analysis & Improvement Project


Winners of HSJ Partnership and inaugural Independent Healthcare Providers Awards revealed