WINNER: Edge Health and NHSE: Getting It Right First Time SPaedIT – A Tool For Diagnosing And Treating Children’s Theatre Elective Recovery

The Summary Paediatric Indicator Table (SPaedIT), is a data-driven digital dashboard (co-developed by Edge Health, the Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) programme and CYP Transformation Team, under the clinical leadership of Professor Simon Kenny) to support paediatric elective recovery. SPaedIT empowers clinicians and decision makers with access to essential metrics, facilitating informed planning and decision making. By providing a comprehensive overview of paediatric services, it helps identify operational challenges and uncover improvement opportunities. Already, SPaedIT has proven its worth in enhancing service delivery across the NHS, enabling healthcare professionals to manage paediatric elective care more efficiently.


Accenture and NHS England: NHS England Secure Data Environment

Changeology Group & Airedale General Hospital: Data-Driven Decision Making in Ops

Pure Physiotherapy and North West Leicestershire Primary Care Network: FCPPortal

Winners of HSJ Partnership and inaugural Independent Healthcare Providers Awards revealed