The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust

Barts Health Trust

1,300 trust staff secure ‘special leave’ in lieu of covid bonus


Trust staff who were denied a £1,600 covid bonus will now receive extra holidays worth the same amount.

East Surrey Hospital main entrance

Revealed: Trusts most reliant on oil for their energy


Oil consumption across the NHS estate has seen its largest annual increase in a decade, as trusts turn to the fuel for emergencies and surges in demand.

Emergency, service redesign, A&E

Thirty trusts report more 12-hour waits, despite national improvement


Long A&E waits have got worse at more than one in five acute trusts, despite an improving trend nationally.


CQC names best and worst for maternity experience


The trusts where maternity care has deteriorated the most according to patient surveys have been identified by the Care Quality Commission.

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HSJ’s 10 most-read quality and performance stories of 2023


2024 has arrived, but there’s still time to have a look over the most-read quality and performance stories for the year just gone.


Hospitals close areas after discovering RAAC planks


More hospitals have closed parts of their site after discovering potentially unsafe concrete had been used in the building structures, HSJ has learned.


More trusts find RAAC concrete on estates


At least seven more trusts have confirmed lightweight concrete on their estates following NHS England-ordered reviews and widespread safety concerns, HSJ has found.


Former NHSE chief named chair of two more trusts


A former NHS chief executive is taking the helm at two more acute trusts in the West Midlands, it has been announced.


‘Landmark’ integrated trust faces axe


Health leaders in the Midlands are considering winding down or merging an NHS trust that was supposed to hold a ‘landmark’ integrated care contract worth £360m, according to trust papers.

Newborn baby 2

CQC names worst trusts for maternity care


The trusts with substantially worse experience of maternity care have been identified by the Care Quality Commission.

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Former NHSE chief made chair of two trusts


Two acute trusts in the Black Country are to share a former NHS England chief executive as their joint chair.


Revealed: The ethnically diverse trusts with all-white leadership


Analysis of new data has identified multiple trusts which appear to have no executives or very senior managers from a minority ethnic background, despite their workforces being relatively diverse.

The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust

Trust fined £2.5m after deaths of two patients


An acute trust has been fined £2.5m after pleading guilty to charges of failing to provide safe care after the deaths of two patients.

lawyer business

Hospital trust pleads guilty to care safety failings after two patient deaths


An acute trust has pleaded guilty to charges of care safety failures in a prosecution brought by the Care Quality Commission following the deaths of two patients.

Mike Richards

Mike Richards’ review finds ‘hostility’ in pioneering integration patch


A review by Sir Mike Richards has warned of ‘really poor’ working relationships and ‘hostility’ within the system that was due to launch the NHS’ first integrated care provider, HSJ has learned.

The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust

Troubled hospital trust prosecuted by the CQC


A general hospital trust has been charged with failings in the care of two patients in separate cases by the Care Quality Commission.


Can digital technology help embed a strong patient safety culture?


The benefits of digital tools to patient safety can extend far beyond supporting better decision making, as an HSJ and Capsule Technologies webinar discussed

A mans hand pressing a futuristic computer screen

Digital technology can improve patient safety – with the right back-up


The pandemic has shown how digital solutions can help in, for example, the safe and effective transfer of care between settings, but it’s also exposed potential gaps in information governance arrangements

Simon Stevens

HSJ’s 10 most read commissioning stories of 2020


As we get ready to say goodbye to 2020, HSJ takes a look back at the 10 most read commissioning stories of the year.

GP receptionist

HSJ’s 10 most read primary care stories of 2020


As 2020 draws to a close, HSJ takes a look at its most read stories of the year.