All Academy of Medical Royal Colleges articles – Page 2
Why ‘empty hospitals’ headlines mislead
David Oliver explains how statistics have been picked to portray the pandemic as a ‘scamdemic’ and policy responses as over-reactions in a misrepresentation of hospital admissions and bed occupancy rates
HSJ80 full list: The most influential people in health
The HSJ80 lists the figures who will exercise the most power and/or influence in the English NHS and health policy over the next 12 months
Discharge guidance could lead to increased death and disability, warn senior clinicians
Serious patient safety and wellbeing concerns about the latest hospital discharge guidance have been raised to HSJ by senior clinicians and charities.
New A&E targets ‘to be rolled out before winter’
NHS England is planning to roll out new emergency care standards, designed to replace the four-hour A&E target, before winter, according to plans published today.
Revealed: New restrictions on tests as long waits mount
A new tranche of commissioning restrictions have been proposed to ease pressure on diagnostic teams and move more treatments to primary care settings.
‘Insufficient’ national response to deaths review programme, report finds
The latest annual report into the deaths of people with learning disabilities has criticised the “insufficient” national response to past recommendations and called for “urgent” policy changes.
‘Independent review of NHS’ ahead of second wave
There should be independent reviews of the NHS’ readiness for a potential second major outbreak of coronavirus in the UK, senior doctors are arguing.
Gown shortages force use of disposable coveralls
Trusts will receive coveralls in their personal protective equipment deliveries, amid a national shortage of surgical gowns, NHS England has said.
Trusts advise widespread use of PPE as staff ‘refuse to see patients’
Several major hospital trusts are telling staff to use personal protective equipment in a wider set of areas than recommended by current national guidance, amid staff concern and reports of doctors refusing work without it.
Data ‘not sophisticated enough’ to identify all those at high risk from covid-19
Trusts and GPs are being asked to help identify patients at high risk from coronavirus because the NHS’ central data sets are “not sophisticated enough” to track all vulnerable groups, NHS England has said.
Expert Briefing
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I'm a doctor, but the NHS treats me as if I don't exist
At a time when the NHS is reeling under workforce shortages, a recent survey has found that SAS doctors feel undervalued and are bullied at their workplace, making it imperative for employers to provide a more supportive work environment, says Dr Amit Kochhar
Tories vow to curb NHS competition by March
Compulsory competition would largely be removed from the NHS and the law changed to give integrated care systems more formal powers within three months of a new Conservative government taking power, the party has said.
Short-term pension tax ‘solution’ confirmed by NHS England
A temporary “solution” to the pensions tax impact on the health service has been confirmed by NHS England and signed off by government.
Exclusive: New top A&E doctor ‘could support replacing target’
The Royal College of Emergency Medicine could support replacing the four-hour target – but only if it was satisfied a replacement regime would demonstrably improve patient outcomes and cut bureaucracy for staff, according its new president.
Doctors will be incentivised to work in unpopular trusts
Health Education England has revealed plans to incentivise trainee doctors to work in hard to recruit for areas and specialities.
Exclusive: Trusts charging for ops restricted on the NHS
Hospital trusts are continuing to allow patients to pay to have procedures which are banned or tightly restricted on the NHS, sparking a protest letter from NHS England.
Healthcare expert witnesses should get professional training
A newly published guidance on how healthcare professionals should be trained to be expert witnesses aims to ensure more consistency and better standards in the evidence provided by medical expert witnesses, says Mark Solon.
Cowper’s Cut: The price of financial lying
The NHS will have to pay the price for cultivating a culture of financial lying and cheating and incentivising the wrong things, warns Andy Cowper
NHS may ditch four-hour target under new proposals
NHS bosses have set out controversial plans to ditch the NHS’ four-hour emergency access target despite concerns removing the uniform benchmark could lead to quality standards being watered down.