All Acute care articles – Page 109

  • Eames_Stephen
    HSJ Local

    Trust chief: Hunt referral won't stop hospital tackling staffing problems


    North Cumbria University Hospitals Trust will continue with maternity services overhaul plans despite pending reconfiguration decision from Jeremy Hunt Trust chief Stephen Eames says the decision will not stop the organisation tackling recruitment problems in west Cumbria Cumbria CCG’s decision to keep two consultant led units at the trust ...

  • lecture

    New £2bn training supplier framework created for NHS


    NHS Shared Business Services creating new framework for apprentice training supplies The framework available free of charge to the NHS Potential market value for is estimated at £2bn by 2021 NHS Shared Business Services is creating a new framework for suppliers of apprenticeship training with a potential market ...

  • News

    Conditions attached to £2bn social care cash revealed


    Conditions attached to the additional £2bn for social care announced at the budget have been revealed.

  • R ede lift photo

    The Naylor review can kick-start estates transformation


    Sir Robert Naylor’s vision is bold and far reaching – now he just needs politicians to back it up, writes Robert Ede

  • Moorfields Eye Hospital

    NHS 'must become more commercial' to raise £6bn from land sales


    Trusts could raise between £2.7bn and £5.7bn through land sales Hitting upper target requires NHS to take ‘far more commercial approach’ and gain new skills Sir Robert calls for more London trusts to follow Moorfields’ example Trusts could generate nearly £6bn from redeveloping and then selling land but ...

  • Computers

    Trusts to team up with 'exemplars' to copy IT systems


    Majority of hospitals will no longer choose their own IT vendor and systems They will instead partner with leading hospitals and roll out their ‘blueprints’ Next Steps plan also confirms four more global digital exemplars NHS England has outlined fresh details of a major shake-up of how trusts ...

  • Steps

    Next steps for the forward view – what you need to know


    HSJ’s brings you everything you need to know about the year’s most important NHS policy document.

  • older woman

    Exclusive: Vanguard project cuts A&E admissions of over 65s


    A Nottinghamshire MCP vanguard has had 23 per cent fewer emergency admissions for care home residents, new analysis has revealed Health Foundation report shows lower A&E attendances and admissions of residents in the Principia MCP but no link to lower elective admissions or outpatient attendances NHS England and the ...

  • 3002939 surgery equipment surgeon theatre

    Elective waits will not recover until 2019, says Stevens


    NHS England accepts growing demand will make it harder to meet 18 week RTT targets Simon Stevens says the goal is still to hit the 92pc target but the NHS must be realistic NHS England accused of “jettisoning” elective surgery waiting times targets NHS England has acknowledged that ...

  • hospital ward

    STPs told to slow emergency admissions in 2017-18


    STPs to be monitored on ability to contain A&E admission growth Metric will become key measure of success for new care models Vanguards to lose funding if emergency activity rises faster than target Bed days will also become an important measure for judging health systems Health systems will ...

  • Queen's Hospital, Burton
    HSJ Local

    Foundation trusts could consider merger


    Two NHS trusts in the Midlands are working on proposals to work closer together, including a potential full merger, HSJ understands.

  • Southampton General Hospital

    Revealed: NHS England intervenes at 10 trusts over DTOC rates


    Ten trusts visited by NHS England “central support” team to “accelerate” delayed transfers of care initiatives FOI revealed the team initially shortlisted 33 trusts at “high risk” of delayed transfers NHS England also drew up a list of trusts that must “prioritise” plans to implement A&E streaming services ...

  • city of london

    City investor bids to buy Circle in £74m deal


    Investment firm offers to buy all Circle shares in deal the firm says values it at £74m Circle says new investor could provide capital investment it needs to “scale up” Circle posts accounts for 2016 that show business was loss making, but the loss had been reduced since 2015 ...

  • Alastair Currie

    No sane manager wants to use this calamitous document


    The MHPS is a bloated mixture of inconsistent policy verbiage and labyrinthine procedure – here’s what we can do to replace it, says Alastair Currie

  • Dave west expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    The Commissioner: The NHS's Daily Mail moment


    What NHS England isn’t telling you, and more indispensable weekly insight for commissioners, by Dave West.

  • British houses of parliament

    Je ne regrette rien – well, not a great deal anyway...


    After a 40-year association with HSJ, some final thoughts on health, history and my place in the ‘grey tsunami’

  • surgery
    HSJ Local

    Teaching trust puts major restrictions on operations for second time in six weeks


    Teaching trust forced to restrict operations for second time in six weeks University Hospitals Leicester puts seven day restriction on elective work The move follows a 12 day restriction covering February half-term One of the NHS’s largest trusts has been forced to restrict elective activity for the second ...

  • contract
    HSJ Local

    Trust and CCGs locked in costly contract dispute


    Mid Cheshire Foundation Trust and CCGs unable to resolve contract dispute All parties have had meetings with NHS England and NHS Improvement chief executives South Cheshire and Vale Royal CCGs has employed a well known QC to fight its case, which could cost trust £9m A foundation trust ...

  • Jim Mackey

    'A&E special measures' proposal rejected


    ‘A&E special measures’ plans set out by system leaders this month will not go ahead, Jim Mackey says The regime was trailed in a letter sent to London trusts from NHS England and NHS Improvement directors It prompted concerns from senior managers that the move would not help address ...

  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woolwich, South London Healthcare NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Circle signs trust's wish list to mitigate impact of new contract


    Circle signs agreement to reduce financial impact on trust which lost contract Includes termination clause if planned MSK activity levels at Lewisham and Greenwich Trust fall Trust will deliver care from five community hubs Circle Health has agreed to a set of actions designed to reduce the financial ...