All Acute care articles – Page 110

  • Cardiac surgery

    NHS England warns of heart surgery infection risk


    NHS England says patients will be warned they could be at low risk Twenty-eight known cases of mycobacterium chimaera infection including 15 people who have died Infection risk identified in other countries linked to heater/cooler devices NHS England is writing to thousands of patients who have had open ...

  • Hospital sign

    Exclusive: Regulators to introduce 'A&E special measures' regime


    Trusts performing poorly against four hour target face new tough regulatory measures Trusts could be put in new “A&E special measures” if they do not improve by June Worst performing trusts face new weekly performance meetings with regulators Trusts performing poorly against the four hour target could be ...

  • 3026902 robfindlaycutout3x2

    Bonfire of financial penalties reaches cancer and RTT standards


    Financial penalties are being lifted from high-profile standards including cancer and elective waiting times, so far without attracting much attention. How is this happening? And will it work, asks Rob Findlay

  • Jeremy Hunt
    HSJ Local

    Hunt to have final say over flagship hospital reforms


    Health secretary will have final say over maternity reconfiguration proposed by success regime Cumbria CCG agreed changes to acute and community services last week County council has now referred the CCG’s decision over maternity services to Jeremy Hunt Jeremy Hunt will have the final say over whether service ...

  • Walk in centre
    HSJ Local

    CCG decides minor injury units to be closed and replaced


    CCG governing body decides to close three minor injuries units and replace three others with urgent care centres East Riding of Yorkshire CCG also approved plans to create an integrated community and intensive rehabilitation centre The CCG will commission 15 “time to think” beds for the region, but close ...

  • Bristol Children's Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Teaching trust agrees six figure settlement over child’s death


    University Hospitals Bristol FT settles case for £100,000 Deal was originally offered almost two years ago PHSO report heavily criticised the standard of care for Luke Jenkins A hospital trust guilty of major service failure related to the death of a seven-year-old boy has agreed to settle a ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    North by North West: The unproven case for extended GP access


    Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill

  • Alison hill
    HSJ Knowledge

    Roundtable: why culture is the big career killer for women


    HSJ’s panel identified ‘micro inequalities’ and the return of macho culture as key factors stifling greater gender equality in healthcare leadership

  • 3012715 cancer care

    Patient Safety Awards 2017 shortlist revealed


    HSJ has announced those organisations and projects in the running for its prestigious annual Patient Safety Awards, which this year feature 10 new categories.

  • Hospital_bed

    NHS Improvement sets out trust level breakdown for unblocking beds


    System leaders set out plans to free up 2,000-3,000 beds using social care cash boost NHS Improvement calculated an “estimate of the number of beds by provider that could be freed up” Funding boost may “not have the intended impact” if trusts do not work with councils See every ...

  • Dark hospital corridor
    HSJ Local

    New drive to make sure trust staff sleep on night shifts


    All 15,000 staff at Guys and St Thomas’ Foundation Trust encouraged to take their breaks Campaign based on research evidence link to patient harm from fatigue Staff can benefit from a 20 minute nap at night and reduce clinical errors All 15,000 staff at one of the country’s ...

  • Front of Medway Maritime Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Original special measures trust exits regime


    Medway FT now rated requires improvement, and good for being caring, effective and well led CQC praises “strong leadership and clear communication” Improvements need to be made in urgent and emergency services, surgery and critical care A hospital which was previously ranked as one of the worst in ...

  • Dave west expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    The Commissioner: Next steps for STPs, part 2 – Greater Manchester and beyond


    What NHS England isn’t telling you, and more indispensable weekly insight for commissioners, by Dave West.

  • King's Mill hospital
    HSJ Local

    New chief executive named for acute FT


    Sherwood Forest Hospitals Foundation Trust has appointed University Hospitals of Leicester Trust chief operating officer Richard Mitchell as its new chief executive.

  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woolwich
    HSJ Local

    Circle contract win means trust 'risks going in special measures'


    PwC report says trust could lose up to £6.6m of income and risk being put into financial special measures Patient safety could be put at risk if Circle subcontracts MSK services to another provider, report says CCG says it is taking action to prevent the trust being destabilised ...

  • warning sign

    CQC risk monitoring 'wrong more than right', study warns


    Research finds the CQC’s risk monitoring could leave poor care undetected The CQC’s tool failed to identify more than half of inadequate trusts Analysis found the tool had an accuracy rate of 48 per cent The Care Quality Commission’s new system for identifying high risk NHS trusts could ...

  • Angela_Hillery

    Pioneering trust and GP tie-up to bid for new care model contract


    Northampton Healthcare FT creates new organisation with 3Sixty Care GP federation New partnership will bid and deliver contracts together and is “keen” to secure a local MCP contract once released The organisations have an “equal” share in the new company with three board directors each A Midlands trust ...

  • UK map

    18 week waits, January 2017: explore the maps


    NHS waiting lists around England, updated for January 2017

  • Hopson chris 6th oct roundtable junior doctors contract040

    Councils must agree targets for rapid help to hospitals, say NHS Providers


    NHS Providers has urged councils and NHS leaders to agree targets for short term reductions in hospital bed days, after the announcement of £1.2bn extra in social care funding for 2017-18.

  • coins toppling

    Bailout delays force trusts to take out extra loans


    Further uncertainty over the timing of payments from £1.8bn sustainability and transformation fund This could leave more hospitals struggling to pay suppliers and relying on interest bearing loans from the Department of Health Trusts complain of “unnecessary extra cost and administrative burden” Dozens of NHS trusts face having ...