All Acute care articles – Page 114

  • Globe

    Trusts face fines over checking patients' credentials


    The Department of Health is considering new rules to enable commissioners to fine acute providers if they fail to check whether a patient is from overseas and eligible or not for free NHS care.

  • James_Ilman

    Analysis: Keogh’s A&E overhaul has not materialised


    NHS England set out plans for major reform in its milestone urgent and emergency care review in 2013. But now over three years since its publication, the flurry of A&E reclassifications has simply not materialised.

  • uk_map_britain

    Revealed: 24 A&Es could be closed or downgraded


    Twenty four emergency departments - around 15 per cent of the national total - could be closed or downgraded in the next four years, analysis shows HSJ has identified and mapped those most likely to be affected in an unprecedented analysis Twenty four emergency departments - around 15 ...

  • Breast cancer radiology

    Patient safety fears after trust moves to radiology consortium


    Kettering General Hospital dealing with major reporting backlogs affecting thousands of scans, including urgent and cancer MRI and CT scans At least one serious incidence and 68 other incidences of potential harm identified, with patients waiting up to 3 months for routine MRI scan results Fault attributed to flagship ...

  • Amina uddin

    Next phase of inspections: a turn in the right direction?


    Amina Uddin takes a look at the Care Quality Commission’s proposed new phase of regulation, which closes to consultation on 14 February

  • Clatterbridge Cancer Centre
    HSJ Local

    CQC praises leadership at 'outstanding' trust


    The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre Foundation Trust has been rated as outstanding by the Care Quality Commission.

  • Winter

    Analysis: 10 trusts responsible for quarter of 'winter pressures' alerts


    Ten trusts responsible for a quarter of “winter pressures” alerts since start of December South of England is the worst hit region London reported only five out of 830 alerts Just 10 hospital trusts have been responsible for more than a quarter of the “winter pressures” alerts issued ...

  • child_accident_emergency_surgery_intubation_paediatrics.jpg

    NHS Improvement: Trust finances hit by A&E pressures


    NHS Improvement says many providers have found ways to address financial pressures but warned others have “more work to do” Many providers will have been forced to use additional agency and bank staff in recent weeks Not yet clear how much unplanned expenditure there has been Extra strain ...

  • Simon stevens at committee 18 october
    HSJ Local

    MP criticises 'remote' Simon Stevens over hospital reconfiguration


    MP criticises NHS England and Simon Stevens for silence over Shropshire emergency care reconfiguration row Telford and Wrekin CCG and Shropshire CCG at deadlock over preferred reconfiguration plan Health minister said CCGs will appoint an independent chair who will have a casting vote in future disagreements NHS England says ...

  • hands
    HSJ Local

    Teaching trust failing to comply with end of life court ruling


    Cambridge University Hospitals Foundation Trust issued with requirement notices by the CQC Half of “do not attempt resuscitation” orders seen by inspectors were incorrectly completed by staff Court of Appeal ruling in 2014 created a new legal right for patients to be consulted over DNAR decisions One of ...

  • Heart

    New consultation on future of specialist heart surgery imminent


    NHS England to launch consultation on congenital heart disease services “soon” It has not publicly changed its controversial plans but said “no decision” will be made before consultation is completed Royal Brompton and University Hospitals of Leicester trusts remain at risk of losing their services NHS England is ...

  • Patient safety awards 3x2

    Patient Safety Awards: last chance to enter


    The deadline to enter the Patient Safety Awards has been extended to 9am on 30 January. The awards recognise and reward outstanding practice in the NHS and independent healthcare organisations.

  • Moorfields Eye Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Foundation trust predicts £7m increase in private income


    Moorfields Eye Hospital Foundation Trust is predicting a significant spike in private income in 2016-17, its board papers reveal.

  • patient in hospital bed

    Nurses reveal strain of working on understaffed wards


    Patients have been left waiting for medications, unwashed or had vital observations delayed because hospital wards do not have enough nurses, HSJ has been told.

  • basildon tower
    HSJ Local

    'Joint executive' team to lead three trusts revealed


    Clare Panniker finalises top team to lead Basildon, Southend and Mid Essex “group model” Team includes members from each trust and Basildon has biggest representation Team must take crucial decisions over major acute reconfiguration and A&E downgrades Three Essex trusts setting up a new “group model” to run ...

  • Nurse hospital doctor

    Exclusive: Doctors' views used to expose failing services


    NHS Improvement looking at trusts in lowest quintile of GMC’s doctors in training survey Regulator also believes concerns expressed by HEE can identify “trusts teetering on the brink of lasting A&E performance failure” See the most recent survey results NHS Improvement will use the satisfaction rates of junior ...

  • Sir Leonard Fenwick
    HSJ Local

    MP demands trust explains Sir Leonard Fenwick extended leave


    A Newcastle MP has called on his local acute foundation trust to be more transparent and give a “reasonable explanation” as to why its chief executive, Sir Leonard Fenwick, is on extended leave.

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    North by North West: Contracting block out


    Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill

  • phone call
    HSJ Local

    Successful scheme to keep high risk patients out of hospital extended


    CCG hopes to expand project to reduce high risk patients’ need to go to hospital across STP area Vale of York CCG running a trial with Swedish firm Health Navigator to provide “proactive health coaching” to most at risk patients Two year, £600,000 contract is expected to save £1.4m ...

  • Hospital sign

    Emergency care demand must fall for three years under STP plans


    The health service will have to reduce the number of patients admitted to hospital as an emergency for three years running, according to official proposals for how it can survive despite its funding constraints.