All Acute care articles – Page 132

  • Colchester Hospital

    Colchester told to partner with local trust or face failure regime


    Colchester trust told it risks being put in the failure regime, which could result in its liquidation CQC says its services are unsafe and patients are at risk of harm Regulators say trust must form a “long term partnership” with Ipswich to “secure services” CQC has no confidence in ...

  • Gillian Fairfield
    HSJ Local

    Trust leaders accused of focusing on 'institutional preservation'


    Sir Richard Leese said Pennine Acute’s business plan under previous management “prioritised institutional preservation” Manchester council is leading a review of hospital services in the city HSJ has previously highlighted tensions over the future of North Manchester General Hospital The leader of Manchester City Council has accused the ...

  • Busy hospital

    Revealed: How many agency shifts breached 2015-16 pay caps


    New data shows 1 February reduction in agency pay caps drove weekly breaches above 45,000 – an increase of 10,000 a week Breaches began to decline again at the start of March NHS Improvement estimates agency caps saved £290m between October and February The number of NHS agency ...

  • Nurse doctor hospital

    Trusts fear impact of junior contract on services, training and bottom line


    Medical and workforce directors voice worries about impact of junior doctors contract Cost concerns include higher pension costs and pay protection concessions Warnings that trusts will need more doctors to maintain training and services Follow HSJ Live for in-depth coverage of the junior doctors’ strike The new junior ...

  • James wilson

    Why every NHS director should be very interested in reference costs


    Reference costs can be a catalyst to greater NHS efficiency but we must invest in them now, writes James Wilson

  • Managers meeting

    Commissioners split on STP leads' roles and responsibility


    Many expect STP leaders to take responsibility for finance and performance However, few CCG leaders are expected to step back from strategy across their patch Concern about the impact of STPs on local and clinical leadership More than a third of clinical commissioning group bosses expect sustainability and ...

  • Miles Scott

    Chief of scandal hit teaching hospital steps down


    Miles Scott steps down from role of chief executive at St George’s University Hospitals Move follows high profile financial collapse at the trust and arrival of new interim chair He will be replaced by acting chief executive Paula Vasco-Knight Chair tells staff the trust’s problems will not be solved ...

  • Fire engine
    HSJ Local

    Updated: Four wards closed after fire and power cut at East Midlands hospital


    United Lincolnshire Hospital Trust closes A&E at Grantham and District Hospital after fire Four major services closed due to resulting power cut All operations and outpatient clinics cancelled for next few days ACUTE CARE: United Lincolnshire Hospital Trust has had to close four wards after an electrical fire ...

  • David walker1

    Why centralisation might not be the best option for maternity services


    Centralisation is an effective move in the case of elective surgery – but is it such a good idea when it comes to maternity and emergency services? David Walker and Anne Garden ask

  • Woman with clipboard
    HSJ Local

    FT hits out at CQC after hospital rated 'inadequate'


    CQC found A&E, outpatients and surgical services at Scunthorpe General Hospital had “either not improved or had deteriorated since our last inspection” Trust chief executive “extremely disappointed” Chair says “a number of aspects of the inspection have given us cause for concern” Bosses at Northern Lincolnshire and Goole ...

  • Leeds General Infirmary

    Transplants axed and wards closed amid trust’s nurse shortage


    Sources reveal critical care bed crisis at one of the country’s largest hospital trusts Two wards closed at Leeds General Infirmary and St James’ University Hospital Liver transplant operations cancelled because of a lack of intensive care beds Liver transplant operations at one of the country’s flagship teaching ...

  • Dave West
    Expert Briefing

    The Commissioner: So much for the whole system


    What NHS England isn’t telling you, and more indispensable weekly insight for commissioners, by Dave West

  • Emergency department
    HSJ Local

    NHS Improvement denies locum cap caused Lancashire A&E crisis


    NHS Improvement refutes claim that agency cap caused Lancashire Teaching Hospitals’ A&E crisis Trust warned regulator of agency cap concerns months before downgrading an A&E FT claims cap caused staffing crisis across emergency department and other medical specialities NHS Improvement was warned that the locum pay cap was ...

  • Eye surgery
    HSJ Local

    Hospital 'overwhelmed' by eye care demand


    PERFORMANCE: A Kent trust has admitted it is “overwhelmed” with demand for ophthalmic services and has up to 7,000 patients at risk of worsening eyesight who require “urgent” follow up.

  • Staff in hospital
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Trust forced to downgrade A&E after locum doctor crisis


    Acute trust forced to take action after collapse of middle grade A&E rotas following locum caps Lancashire Teaching Hospitals has just eight doctors to staff 14 posts across two sites Chief executive says failure of trusts to act collectively on locum caps meant doctors left to work at higher ...

  • Will_Hazell
    Expert Briefing

    Deep South: A turnaround success story


    Weekly updates and essential insight into the NHS in the South West, by Will Hazell

  • Beverley Bryant

    NHS England clarifies tech funding position


    £500m of the £1.8bn earmarked for making NHS paperless by 2020 will go on existing contracts set up under the National Programme for IT NHS England director confirms amount of new, unallocated money is £1.3bn Beverley Bryant also reveals £119m of funding for tech projects will be available this ...

  • Innovation and technology

    Exclusive: Official index reveals tech leaders and laggards


    New assessment gives clearest picture yet of NHS’s digital maturity, experts tell HSJ HSJ analysis shows overall scores for all trusts on digital index NHS England warns against using data as a league table A new NHS England assessment of “digital maturity” across the NHS lays bare significant ...

  • Alastair McLellan

    This needless battle over NHS finances endangers its future


    The bruising contracting round shows the NHS needs a more credible financial trajectory

  • Innovation - SINGLE USE ONLY
    HSJ Knowledge

    How one trust set up an 'innovation panel'


    Fostering better ways of working by tapping the ideas of staff