All Acute care articles – Page 357

  • Carers play a central role in many healthcare users’ lives. Although services are recognising that they must be valued and supported, there is much more to be done to ensure this unpaid workforce’s wellbeing
    HSJ Knowledge

    Why the NHS must look after its hidden workers


    Carers play a central role in many healthcare users’ lives. Although services are recognising that they must be valued and supported, there is much more to be done to ensure this unpaid workforce’s wellbeing

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Safety walkrounds


    Royal Brompton and Harefield foundation trust’s first organisational value is: “We believe our patients deserve the best possible specialist treatment for their heart and lung condition in a clean, safe place.” To promote this idea of safety as a priority, the trust signed up to Patient Safety First in ...

  • The loss of sensitive patient details by five NHS trusts has prompted a security warning from the the Information Commissioner’s Office.

    Five NHS trusts receive warning over lost patient data


    The loss of sensitive patient details by five NHS trusts has prompted a security warning from the the Information Commissioner’s Office.

  • Health bosses at a hospital trust in Nottingham have apologised after a series of infections involving patients undergoing heart valve operations left three dead and five seriously ill.

    NHS trust apologises over infection deaths


    Health bosses at a hospital trust in Nottingham have apologised after a series of infections involving patients undergoing heart valve operations left three dead and five seriously ill.

  • Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

    Trust apologises over death of baby


    Nottingham University Hospitals trust has apologised over “shortcomings” after a baby died of a suspected salt overdose after being put on a saline drip.

  • Pressure on to sign up to flu service

    Pressure on to sign up to flu service


    Pressure is mounting on the Welsh Assembly to join the Department of Health’s national pandemic flu service as thousands of people report symptoms of swine flu.

  • Phone call   woman anonymous

    Swine flu phone service goes live


    A telephone and internet service that aims to speed up access to drugs for thousands of people infected with swine flu goes live today.

  • swine flu information leaflet

    Swine flu survey: views from the front line


    Some of your responses to the HSJ and Nursing Times survey

  • Health secretary Andy Burnham plans to change the law so ministers can instruct foundation trust regulator Monitor to intervene where organisations are failing.

    Ministers to exert power over Monitor


    Health secretary Andy Burnham plans to change the law so ministers can instruct foundation trust regulator Monitor to intervene where organisations are failing.

  • News

    Cost of NHS growth revealed


    Government spending on public services such as education will need to be cut by as much as 4.5 per cent a year if politicians’ promises to give the NHS real terms growth are met.

  • Jim Easton

    Jim Easton to continue Lord Darzi's work on NHS quality


    The Department of Health’s new head of quality, innovation, productivity and prevention, Jim Easton, has vowed to “follow through” on Lord Darzi’s commitment to quality.

  • Paul Corrigan

    Paul Corrigan on commissioning strategy plans


    Nearly all primary care trust commissioning strategy plans describe a rationale for their intentions over the next five years. Tailored to the health and healthcare needs of their population, they describe future actions which intend to move activity out of secondary care, and cut emergency admissions and attendance at A&E.

  • Joan Saddler

    Joan Saddler on patient centred services


    Actively seeking out and acting on patient feedback to shape services is still far from the norm but is fundamental to putting quality at the heart of the NHS.

  • Rebecca Evans

    Keep calm and carry on: staff, like patients, need reassuring


    HSJ and Nursing Times’s survey this week of almost 1,500 staff reveals a national health service largely confident in its ability to cope with the swine flu pandemic, but concerned their jobs are being made more difficult by hype and hysteria.

  • Managers quietly confident as NHS battles swine flu pandemic

    Managers quietly confident as NHS battles swine flu pandemic


    Managers and staff are confident the NHS is coping successfully with swine flu, an HSJ and Nursing Times survey reveals.

  • The first annual summary of coroners' reports into the circumstances around avoidable deaths has highlighted the need for better hospital communication processes.

    Better communication could avoid deaths in hospital


    The first annual summary of coroners’ reports into the circumstances around avoidable deaths has highlighted the need for better hospital communication processes.

  • Antony Sumara was hired by foundation regulator Monitor after the trust failed to make an appointment. It previously interviewed only two candidates and neither had been chief executives before, HSJ understands.

    Antony Sumara 'flattered' to get Mid Staffs top job


    The new chief executive of scandal hit Mid Staffordshire foundation trust says he will help the organisation recover by being “open, honest and transparent”.

  • Hinchingbrooke Health Care trust

    NHS hospital franchise plan gets green light


    The running of an NHS hospital is to be franchised out, potentially to a private company, in the first arrangement of its kind.

  • Free NHS treatment is to be given to thousands of failed asylum seekers in Britain, it has been revealed. Currently immigrants who fail to gain refugee status are not entitled to free care, but ministers are set to extend the benefits to those who cannot

    Asylum seekers to get free NHS treatment


    Free NHS treatment is to be given to thousands of failed asylum seekers in Britain, it has been revealed. Currently immigrants who fail to gain refugee status are not entitled to free care, but ministers are set to extend the benefits to those who cannot leave the country “through no ...

  • Andy Burnham

    Andy Burnham dismisses Mid Staffs inquiry as 'too distracting'


    Health secretary Andy Burnham has defended his decision to stop short of launching a full public inquiry into failures at Mid Staffordshire foundation trust, telling HSJ he thought it would be “distracting to managers”.