All Acute care articles – Page 382

  • HSJ Knowledge

    HSJ's review of 2008: diamonds, debt and Darzi


    The NHS’s diamond anniversary year began with Gordon Brown’s relaunch and ended with the health service paying the price for the banking sector’s profligacy. Richard Vize looks back over an eventful 12 months

  • News

    Foundation trust transition reaches halfway mark


    The transition of acute and mental health trusts to foundation status passed the halfway mark this week.

  • News

    Patricia Hewitt warns of 'difficult decisions' for PCTs


    The NHS faces 'difficult decisions' in coming years as it adjusts to smaller - and possibly negative - funding growth, former health secretary Patricia Hewitt has warned.

  • News

    NHS integrated care pilots to be test bed for 'risky' ideas


    Integrated care pilots will be given the chance to shape Department of Health policy up to and including tariff reform, the primary care czar has revealed.Speaking as the DH revealed the 36 organisations shortlisted for the scheme, national clinical director for primary care David Colin-Thomé said the organisations making the ...

  • Comment

    Hilary Thomas on clinical-managerial networks


    I have had the worst cold I can remember for some years - and every time I get on the Tube somebody sneezes on me. The economy is depressing, the weather has been depressing and the built-in obsolescence of collapsible umbrellas convinces me their manufacturers did not consider the eventuality ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Foundation trust failure: who's for the chop?


    As the original deadline passes, 80-odd trusts are lagging in the race to achieve foundation status. Sally Gainsbury ponders the fate of those that fail to hit the mark

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Alcohol dependency: glad tidings for safer drinking


    A social care organisation is identifying and engaging dependent drinkers at three hospitals to help them turn their lives around

  • Leader

    NHS surplus robbery risks a return to financial instability


    This week the NHS was told part of the price it will have to pay for the collapse of the economy, as it bid a fond farewell to £1bn of its £1.8bn surplus.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Why end of life care should be recorded


    Our work in end of life care suggests coding is being significantly under-recorded. This impacts on risk-adjusted mortality rates and issues relating to length of stay, which in turn has implications for organisations that compile data.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Make tough patient choices a bit easier


    Offering patients true choice in healthcare means giving them the right information at the right time and providing them with the skills and support to make informed decisions

  • News

    What the operating framework means for PCTs, providers and SHAs


    PCTsContracts with PCT provider services by AprilPreparing for legal right to choiceUpgrading and increasing GP premisesReductions in mixed-sex accommodation"Pricing framework" for community servicesProvidersNew MRSA minimum standardPayments linked to qualityMeeting safeguarding children duties"Least restrictive environment possible" for mental healthcareSHAsProducing talent and leadership plansEnsuring providers use funds to improve trainingWorkforce plans for ...

  • News

    PCTs get green light for CQUIN


    Primary care trusts have the green light to link payment to local quality improvement goals with the unveiling of the methodology for the commissioning for quality and innovation framework (CQUIN).

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    PCTs struggle to cope with cost of increased referrals


    Primary care trusts are struggling to cope with the financial fallout of increased referrals, with some now expecting the extra costs to drive them into deficit.

  • News

    Child safety is a double whammy for NHS managers


    The death of Baby P has been a stark wake-up call for trusts - both in terms of whether children in their care are safe and whether staff on the front line are properly supported. Charlotte Santry reports

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    Huge leadership challenge to implement Darzi review


    Managers have been warned to expect a 'huge leadership challenge' in an operating framework devoted to implementing the next stage review.

  • News

    Comply with NICE or pay, Care Quality Commission tells trusts


    Healthcare providers could be shut down for failing to comply with National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence guidance under plans to make adherence a requirement of the Care Quality Commission's registration scheme.

  • News

    NHS could be £13bn short in five years


    There could be a £13bn gap between what the NHS has been assessed as needing and what it will get by 2013, the executive chair of the foundation trust regulator Monitor has warned.

  • News

    NHS operating framework 2009-10


    NHS told to cap spending as more than half of£1.8bn surplus is lostHuge leadership challenge to implement Darzi reviewPCTs get green light for CQUINNHS operating framework: winners and losersManagers' responses to the NHS operating frameworkWhat the operating framework means for PCTs, providers and SHAsDownload the NHS operating framework for 2009-10

  • News

    NHS told to cap spending as more than half of £1.8bn surplus is lost


    The dire state of public finances means the NHS will be permitted to spend less than half the surplus it has generated over the last two years.

  • News

    Cancer survival rates vary widely, statistics show


    Cancer survival rates in England have remained static, new figures reveal. But wide variations still exist between five-year survival rates for different types of cancer, according to Office for National Statistics data for 2005 - the latest available.