All Acute care articles – Page 389

  • News

    Hold-up: Treasury eyes NHS surplus


    The Treasury is in talks with the Department of Health over the NHS's £1.7bn surplus and when the service will be able to spend it.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Dying: open debate on the last taboo


    Dying is a part of the life cycle yet many health professionals are afraid to discuss it. We must start talking about this if we are to give patients the best chance of a good death

  • News

    Patient choice at risk from healthcare monopolies


    Primary care trusts may need to find new methods of protecting patient choice if integrated care organisations become monopoly healthcare providers.

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    Nigel Edwards on NHS exceptional case panels


    Over the summer no media report on the state of the NHS was complete without mention of the postcode lottery in treatments, either through challenges to primary care trust exceptional case panels or the perceived ethics of the current rules on top-ups.

  • News

    Maidstone boosts pay offer to tempt new chair


    A salary of £44,000 is being offered for a new chair for Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust.

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    Junior doctors need better supervision


    Hospitals are relying too heavily on unsupervised trainee doctors for procedures that could be carried out by non-medical staff, according to the incoming chair of the postgraduate medical education training board.

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    Hygiene problems will be no bar to registration with Care Quality Commission


    Trusts will be allowed to register with the Care Quality Commission even if poor hygiene is putting patients at 'significant risk'.

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    Angioplasty to be primary heart attack treatment


    NHS commissioners have been asked to develop a national network of cardiology services capable of delivering primary angioplasty as the main treatment for heart attacks.

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    Hospital security fears after patient suicide


    Northampton General Hospital is reviewing its security procedures after a patient shot himself dead on a ward.

  • News

    Academic health science centre race begins


    Trusts hoping to form academic health science centres have been set a January deadline for applications.

  • News

    Colonoscopy review triggers nearly 100 recalls


    Around 100 patients treated at an independent sector treatment centre have been offered further tests after concerns their procedures may not have been carried out thoroughly.

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    Henry Carleton on the European working time directive


    The chair of the British Medical Association consultants' committee recently suggested that the problems posed by the European working time directive could be solved by employing more consultants and ensuring managers work closely with clinical colleagues.

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    Protecting patients' mealtimes


    Around 28 per cent of patients in hospital are considered at risk of malnutrition, and the risk is most pronounced in elderly patients with declining mental function. Kathie Paling explains how a Royal College of Nursing leadership programme helped her improve the nutritional status of patients on her ward

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Designing healthcare environments


    These days designers don't just do dresses, they can also sketch out new environments that can improve the lives of patients and public service staff, says Deborah Szebeko

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Super trusts: unite and conquer


    Five of the country's top performers are banding together to gain international renown for their research and healthcare. Will these new supercentres lead to competition or collaboration in their pursuit of glory? Ann McGauran finds out

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    Helen Bevan on large-scale change in the health service


    A sea change is happening in the way we approach large-scale change in the health service.

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    David Amos on aiming for NHS perfection


    The 2008 Olympics reaffirmed the proposition that it is possible to keep improving on excellence and perfection in sport.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Making lean thinking work in the NHS


    To be successful, lean principles have to inform everything an NHS organisation does. Here, the chief executive of Royal Bolton Hospital foundation trust explains how he and his staff are putting this into practice

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Charities and the NHS private finance conundrum


    Should NHS organisations set up charities to help them run PFI projects? Ted Powell examines the legal issues involved

  • News

    Financial turbulence threatens NHS reforms


    Question over £550m earmarked for next stage reviewConcerns SHAs will be less able to support financially troubled trustsPotential refocusing on capacity over quality and choiceFears national work to define quality measures and legislate on compulsory quality accounts will be neglectedPossible funding problems for social care reforms