All Acute care articles – Page 390

  • News

    Patients' voices in danger of drowning in paperwork


    Patients could be put off taking part in NHS outcome measurement by overwhelmingly long questionnaires, market researchers fear.

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    Kent council launches NHS complaints helpline


    A county council has launched a new service to deal with complaints about the health service.

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    City shockwaves threaten NHS budget


    Economists are warning this week's£38bn rescue plan for UK banks creates a "structural hole" in public finances that will make NHS funding cuts and claw-backs inevitable.The government has insisted the bank bail-out will not affect public finances. A senior Treasury source said there were no plans to revisit the commitments ...

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    Foundations bear brunt of crisis


    £7.5m lost in Icelandic banking collapseFears over the safety of surpluses from Treasury claw-backsBut opportunities for vertical integration

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    Annual health check: patient safety push fails to raise bar on hygiene


    The NHS is failing to improve hygiene standards despite a major quality and patient safety push.

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    West Sussex puts hospital plan on ice after backlash


    A hospital reconfiguration plan has been suspended two years after controversial plans were first floated.

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    Trusts expect tight pinch from 2010


    Real terms cuts expected to payment by results tariffTough road ahead for aspirant foundationsQuery over future of capital investmentStaff costs may fall in real terms

  • Comment

    Ciaran Devane on surviving cancer


    The latest buzzword in cancer care is 'survivorship' - a word that has caused a bit of controversy since it was first used in the cancer reform strategy to describe the rapidly growing number of people living with or beyond cancer.

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    Annual health check case study: Rotherham foundation trust


    Rotherham foundation trust chief executive Brian James has made significant changes since joining three years ago, and seen ratings of fair for quality and good for resources improve to double excellent, writes Dave West.

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    Steve Onyett on NHS interdependence


    It is not unusual to find teams and their managers entangled in a cruel bind. Senior management conveys the absolute requirement to increase caseload sizes to meet an activity target.

  • News

    Feedback: are you listening?


    How do you react to feedback? HR consultant Sheila Williams suggests how to receive it

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS change strategy: everything going like clockwork


    Stockport foundation trust has put lean thinking at the heart of its successful early compliance with the European working time directive. Stuart Shepherd explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Publishing death rates: no dead certainties?


    There has been a degree of disquiet about publishing mortality rates. Supporters hoped this would lead to greater transparency, quality and patient choice - but has reality matched expectations? Daloni Carlisle reports

  • Comment

    Keith Pearson on releasing time to care for patients


    The best health organisations in the world put patients at the heart of what they do. This is why the Releasing Time to Care programme is so important.

  • Comment

    Michael White on the NHS and political miscalculations


    With the global banking network near meltdown, we're all on a sharp learning curve. So here's a tip for David Cameron: don't use the distress of NHS patients such as the late Elizabeth Woods to make party-political points.

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    NHS could be sued under free market


    Plans to create a European Union free market in public healthcare could open the health service to legal challenges from patients demanding treatments that are not available in the UK.

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    Maidstone report focuses on non-execs


    Strategic health authorities and the Appointments Commission should work together to ensure new non-executive directors understand what is expected of them, a report into the management of Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust has concluded.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS parallels with the finance markets


    As JM Keynes observed, if you owe the bank £100 you have a problem. But if you owe £1m, the bank has a problem.

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    PCTs failing to decommission services


    Two out of three primary care trusts failed to decommission any services last year, showing the extent of the challenge they face to become world class commissioners.

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    Trust merger derails controversial reconfiguration plan


    A controversial reconfiguration plan has been put on hold - because two of the trusts affected are likely to merge. The boards of Royal West Sussex trust - based in Chichester - and Worthing and Southlands Hospitals trust have agreed the merger in principle and are now doing detailed work.