All Acute care articles – Page 393

  • News

    Moyes warns: invest in governance


    Foundation trusts have been warned they are not investing enough time or money in memberships and boards of governors. The Department of Health may reassert its control if an organisations cannot prove it is locally accountable, said Bill Moyes, executive chairman of regulator Monitor.

  • News

    Stroke services improving - Royal College of Physicians


    Stroke services have shown marked improvement in the last two years, an audit by the Royal College of Physicians has shown. The audit of 224 hospitals in all areas of the UK except Scotland found near universal provision of specialist stroke beds.

  • News

    Northwick Park Hospital cleared over maternity deaths


    An investigation into maternal deaths at Northwick Park Hospital has found the trust innocent of any wrongdoing.

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    Lord Carter to head up NHS competition panel


    Lord Carter of Coles is to be the first chair and director of the NHS Co-operation and Competition Panel.

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    Andrew Lansley backs value-based drug pricing


    Pharmaceutical companies should be paid according to the benefits that their drugs bring to patients, shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has said.

  • News

    ISTCs: where are all the patients?


    Under-capacity independent sector treatment centres look set to leave the health service £350m out of pocket, despite an upturn in the number of patients treated. Could a system facelift improve usage? Alison Moore investigates

  • News

    NHS failure regime: up to 92 trusts may be culled


    The Department of Health expects to cull up to six hospital trusts a year under its new failure regime, figures in its impact assessment reveal.The document shows the DH expects to save £200m a year under the plans, which are out for consultation. It focuses on six trusts affected by ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS in virtual reality: second sight


    The virtual world of Second Life has a health service, so you can now tour a cyber polyclinic. Daloni Carlisle explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Health system integration: straight to the point


    Data analysis is revealing why people make inappropriate calls to the emergency services and prompting the discovery of new solutions to the problem, reports Stuart Shepherd

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    HSJ Knowledge

    Comparing UK maternity services


    Recently, HSJ looked at spending and productivity in England and Scotland. This article investigates differences in the maternity services across three countries (England, Northern Ireland and Wales - reliable data for Scotland was not found for the whole period).

  • HSJ Knowledge

    View from the floor: end of life care


    Helene Hibbert is a Macmillan occupational therapist. She works in end of life care at St Mary's Hospital in London's Imperial College Healthcare trust

  • Comment

    Neil Goodwin on chief executive boredom


    I have been reflecting on my time as a chief executive, specifically that in the latter part of my career I experienced increasing periods of boredom.

  • Comment

    Ali Mohammed on caring for NHS staff


    Having just returned from holiday, I am once again struck by how much attention goes into the little things done by industries that focus heavily on customer care.

  • News

    Rethink maternity service plans, panel tells PCTs


    A government panel has slammed two primary care trusts for failing to consult on plans for a radical re-design of maternity services.

  • News

    NHS inequalities row is shrouded in secrecy


    The question of whether poor urban areas should continue to get the most funding is about fundamental NHS principles - so why is it being discussed behind closed doors? Sally Gainsbury reports

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    HSJ Knowledge

    Reducing the traffic death toll


    Why are the media and public not campaigning for new laws that would reduce road traffic collisions, particularly when nearly a half of all UK road deaths (40 per cent) involve young people?

  • News

    Scotland's day surgery rates vary widely


    An audit of day surgery rates in Scotland has revealed wide variations in performance between health boards.

  • Comment

    Malcolm Lowe-Lauri on his last column


    This will be my last column. While working in London I could sustain the roles of foundation trust chief executive, a member of various national boards, HSJ columnist and playing in my band.

  • News

    Care integration must tackle inequality


    Organisations in integrated care pilot schemes will be expected to deliver measurable improvements on health inequalities, the Department of Health has revealed.

  • News

    Foundation trusts may fight private patient income cap


    Foundation trusts could challenge the cap on earnings from private patients under EU law, the Foundation Trust Network has warned.