All Acute care articles – Page 394

  • News

    Birkdale Clinic was 'in tolerable range'


    A private provider whose contract with a leading trust was suspended did not have significantly poor outcomes, an investigation has found.

  • News

    Surge of acute contracts puts strain on PCTs' spend targets


    Primary care trusts are battling to stay clear of deficit as their finances come under pressure from a surge in secondary care work.Many PCTs overspent on their commissioning budgets for the first three months of the financial year and some are now looking to make savings in other areas to ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Temporary health workers' rights


    Granting rights to agency workers will have implications that managers will need to get to the bottom of, says Janet Martin

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Treating children with severe medical problems


    Cases involving the treatment of children with chronic medical problems do not create legal precedents. Tracey Lucas explains why each decision taken by the courts must reflect what is in the child's best interests at the time

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    HSJ Knowledge

    Quality measures obscure real picture


    Bank holidays are peak times for out of hours and other urgent health services. In the run-up organisations work hard to plan capacity to ensure that available resources meet demand.

  • News

    PCTs press for south London hospitals shake-up


    Primary care trusts have warned that delaying the proposed reconfiguration of hospitals in south east London could push services to breaking point.

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    Top-ups: experts divided over health's thorniest issue


    Should patients be allowed to top up their care by paying privately for drugs? The question has confounded experts and now the government has an unenviable task in making a final decision. Helen Crump reports

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    Doctors' memory sticks threaten data security


    Hospital doctors are carrying 'hundreds of thousands of kilobytes' of sensitive and identifiable patient information around on memory sticks with no security protection, a survey has found.

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    Hull trust buys Nuffield hospital to save money


    Hulland East Yorkshire Hospitals trust has bought a private Nuffield hospital to avoid contracting out services to the independent sector.

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    Top-up payment review highlights NHS bodies' worries


    Responses to the review of co-payments have revealed the extent of uncertainty about the way forward for the NHS on top-ups.

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    Bill Moyes keen to see teaching foundations


    Monitor executive chair Bill Moyes is urging more teaching hospitals to become foundation trusts in 2009.

  • Leader

    Trusts survey the wreckage as PFI hospitals begin to crumble


    Arcane accountancy rules are in danger of costing the NHS control of some of its buildings. As HSJ reveals this week, the Treasury's decision to adopt new international accountancy standards is pushing trusts with private finance initiative debts to consider hiving off their estate to charities.

  • News

    PFI plan could keep debts off NHS trusts' balance sheets


    NHS trusts may hand their private finance initiative hospitals over to specially created charities to avoid reporting PFI debts on their balance sheets, HSJ has learned.The controversial plans would involve trusts ceding control of the hospitals to a third party.

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    Fujitsu may bring £700m action over IT deal


    The Department of Health has refused to comment on reports that former national IT programme contractor Fujitsu is considering suing over the business it lost when its contract was terminated in March.

  • News

    Government to underwrite hospital trusts' assets


    The government is to underwrite hospital trusts' assets to prevent them going bust and ending up in court.HSJ has learned that the Department of Health is to issue a consultation paper this month that rules out insolvency for trusts that are failing financially.

  • Comment

    Gay Lee on the social care debate


    Nurses and social workers know it is impossible to tell where social care ends and healthcare begins. Yet they waste time, effort and money trying to prise them apart - because government policy says they must.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS work experience: a crucial stepping stone


    In the second in our series of work experience diaries, we follow Lyndon, who spent a week at Southampton General Hospital two years ago

  • Comment

    Jenny Rogers on forced fun


    I have a memory: my one-year-old child is squatting in the kitchen looking a touch restless. Feeling it my maternal duty to play, I approach with a synthetic 'let's-have-fun' voice.

  • News

    Hull trust buys private hospital


    Hulland East Yorkshire Hospitals trust has bought a private Nuffield hospital to avoid contracting out services to the independent sector.The trust said the new building, which will cost£10m to buy and make immediate improvements to, would save it money.Chief executive Stephen Greep said: "The major element will be that it ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Making the most of patient and public involvement


    Involving patients in service improvement is a great way of ensuring that services meet local needs. Catherine Oakley and Anne-Marie Conneally explain how one trust has achieved this