All Acute care articles – Page 404

  • HSJ Partners

    Improving survival rates for heart attack patients


    Yorkshire Ambulance Service medical director Alison Walker is a Health Foundation Leadership Fellow. She has been working on a project to redesign ambulance services to deliver faster and higher-quality care for people who have had a heart attack, resulting in increased survival rates.

  • HSJ Partners

    Developing the annual health check


    The Health Foundation has used learning from its safer patients initiative to advise on methodology that could be used when assessing whether acute trusts are complying with the hygiene code.

  • Comment

    Jenny Rogers on finding the right career


    Reading reviews of Shine a Light, Martin Scorsese's film on the Rolling Stones, is fascinating, especially if you spent your most rewarding parent-taunting moments playing the music of such obvious bad boys.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The NHS training hub - embedding technology


    The NHS Training Hub for Operative Technologies in Healthcare is part of the government's drive to increase adoption of technology by the NHS. Paul Vousden sets out his strategy to support better patient care and deliver efficiency benefits to the health service

  • News

    Inquiry shows gap in paediatric training


    Children and young people with life-threatening illness are not being treated appropriately because professionals caring for them are not trained in paediatrics, the world's first confidential inquiry into child deaths has found.

  • Comment

    Malcolm Lowe-Lauri on customer service


    It may not have escaped your notice that I have moved on from King's College Hospital foundation trust to a new role at University Hospitals of Leicester trust.

  • News

    Poll of hospital patients reveals chasm in care standards


    A Healthcare Commission survey of hospital patients in England has revealed ‘striking variations’ in some aspects of basic care.

  • Leader

    Post-operative care: help patients on the road to recovery


    The Healthcare Commission's survey of inpatients' experiences, published today, reveals a need for more management focus on the part of the hospital journey that is often neglected - what happens after the operation.

  • News

    Staff payment blunder at United Bristol Healthcare trust


    Hundreds of staff at a hospital trust have been left out of pocket after problems introducing the electronic staff record.

  • News

    West Sussex A&E campaign undoes reconfiguration plans


    A two-year battle to keep accident and emergency services at all three hospitals in West Sussex has ended in partial victory for campaigners.

  • Comment

    Ken Jarrold on the staff survey


    The Healthcare Commission will leave a rich legacy, including the remarkable and powerful staff surveys that have given the people of the NHS a voice to which we should listen.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Hospital franchises - quantum leap


    The Royal Marsden is pioneering a satellite cancer unit at another hospital. Will the franchise model play a big part in the era of choice and competition? Helen Mooney finds out

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Staff development: crack the performance whip


    Giving staff feedback on their performance can sometimes feel like making people jump through hoops. But there is an art to it, says Jenny Rogers

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Transforming urology services


    Changes to the urology service at Guy's and St Thomas' foundation trust have eliminated long outpatient waiting lists. New patients are seen within 10 days of referral, while patients with established diseases are seen in disease-specific, nurse-led clinics.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Stress-busting techniques for NHS staff


    It is sadly ironic that, for many, the NHS is a source of stress. I am not talking about patients - that is another article - but about the service's staff.

  • News

    Foundation trusts must improve on MRSA


    Monitor has warned four foundation trusts it will intervene if they fail to improve performance on MRSA. Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals, Calderdale and Huddersfield, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals and Poole Hospital were told they had breached their terms of authorisation.

  • News

    Monitor plans for foundation trust failures


    Foundation trust regulator Monitor is anticipating that some 47 acute and mental health trusts will not make it to foundation trust status by 2010.

  • Comment

    Aleix Bacardit on palliative care and place of death


    The publication of the cancer reform strategy is a sign of the government's commitment to developing world class cancer services, but questions remain over using place of death to inform management decisions.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Tips for managers on supporting staff


    Managers who are engaged with their staff create well-being and better care. Margaret Bradley and Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe explain how to achieve this

  • Comment

    Neil Goodwin on academic health science centres


    A quiet revolution due to take place across university hospitals will fundamentally change the relationship between doctors and managers in the NHS.