All Acute care articles – Page 406

  • News

    Targets create ambulance staff tension


    Government targets and organisational change have been blamed for 'disappointing' staff survey results from ambulance trusts.

  • News

    Inappropriate A&E use could mean fines for family doctors


    The Department of Health is considering proposals to charge back to GPs the treatment cost of patients who visit accident and emergency departments instead of their family doctor, HSJhas learned.The proposals could emerge as part of the Darzi review this summer.

  • Leader

    Fines could turn access screw - if they do not scare off GPs


    The plans being discussed by junior health minister Lord Darzi to effectively fine GPs when patients inappropriately use walk-in centres, accident and emergency departments and minor injury units, illuminate some of the darker corners of primary care policy.

  • Comment

    Mike Nelsey on NHS data security


    Giving staff quick and efficient access to patient information while ensuring that such data does not fall into the wrong hands is a key challenge facing the NHS

  • Comment

    Ken Jarrold on NHS stability


    It is April and something strange is going on in England and Scotland. No major structural changes are under way or planned.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The Corporate Manslaughter Act: a guide for boards and managers


    The Corporate Manslaughter Act has come into force, opening NHS organisations to possible prosecution. Andy Hopkin explains how trusts can prepare themselves

  • HSJ Knowledge

    A free ride?


    Results and recommendations from the 2008 Spokes NHS Bicycle Mileage Survey

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Paediatric care pathways


    TheCoventryand Warwickshire Maternity Services Network Group has developed three paediatric care pathways, for children with acute, life changing and life limiting conditions. Documents describing the pathways are now available to download from the Group's page in the NHS Networks

  • News

    Gibb sues former employer


    Rose Gibb, the former chief executive who received a £75,000 pay-off after presiding over a fatal infection outbreak, was prepared to 'stay and face the music', according to her trade union. She is suing her former employer for a further £175,000 plus interest, claiming she was forced to leave.

  • News

    Trusts come together but deny merger speculation


    Three London foundation trusts have confirmed they will be part of the capital's second academic health science centre, but denied a merger was on the cards 'for the foreseeable future'.

  • Comment

    Noel Plumridge on boardroom drama


    The setting: A hospital boardroom. A meeting of the executive team of an NHS trust is about to take place.

  • News

    Kent trust buys out 22-bed private wing


    A hospital trust that is bidding for foundation status has bought a private hospital wing to help it continue to hit the 18-week maximum waiting time target.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Waiting times are just so... 1950s


    As waiting times hit an all-time low in the NHS, anecdotal evidence suggests a need to revise the view that waiting continues to be a substitute for prices as a rationing mechanism.

  • News

    £700k pay-off report kept under wraps


    An auditors' report on the controversial pay-off of a trust chief executive and the employment of an interim replacement at more than twice his salary will not be made public until July.

  • HSJ Partners

    New contract for staff and associate specialist doctors


    Proposals for new contracts for staff and associate specialist doctors have been accepted.

  • HSJ Partners

    Research funding: raising the game


    I recently heard from an experienced research colleague that commissioning bodies need to 'kick evaluators out of their comfort zone'. He proposed that evaluators and researchers deliver less than they could because funders are not really engaged, interested, or skilled enough to ask for more.

  • HSJ Partners

    New patient safety briefing available


    The Health Foundation has released an update on the lessons learned from its Safer Patients Initiative.

  • Comment

    Lesley Wright on visual control


    One of the four principal elements in Lean is visual control. We use visual control in everyday life, without a second thought.

  • Comment

    Hilary Thomas on working towards collaboration


    These days, I rarely forage for myself in the evening, so frequently do I attend dinners of one sort or another. They attract an interesting cross section of people - managers and clinicians, as well as some who are both, policy wonks and observers, all discussing how the NHS is ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Improving patient safety through crucial conversations


    Holding crucial conversations - emotional and risky discussions - is key to improving patient safety, reducing errors, improving morale and reducing staff turnover, explains Richard Pound