All Acute care articles – Page 407

  • News

    Simon Stevens on improving payment by results


    In my last column, I discussed evidence on how payment by results is actually working.

  • News

    Brown 'misled' public over national deep clean policy


    The government has been accused of misleading the public over its claim that all trusts would deep clean their entire sites.

  • News

    CBI claims contract debacle will hit future bids


    Private companies will be reluctant to bid for future NHS contracts, the Confederation of British Industry has warned.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Prevention shows benefits across UK


    Over the last few years, more and more emphasis has been placed on early intervention and/or prevention for long-term conditions. Has this started to show any impact on the number of hospital admissions?

  • News

    Neil Goodwin on becoming a better leader


    Although we may occasionally have feelings of schadenfreude when watching the ups and downs of other organisations, especially if they are our competitors, we should be charitable and limit our interest to gaining understanding for personal learning.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Patient consultation: ask the panel


    Different models of patient panels on inflammatory bowel disease services are emerging and all are helping to improve services. Peter Canham looks at a new patient involvement initiative

  • Comment

    Ali Mohammed on staff surveys


    Do you care what your staff think of working for your trust? Should you care? It is that time of year when we all receive our annual staff and patient survey results.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Engaging clinicians in service improvement: talking the talk


    Changing how we talk can help to bring about a change in culture, as one hospital's approach has demonstrated

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Designing healthcare buildings: the legal framework


    Who is responsible for ensuring that new healthcare buildings are fit for purpose? David March explains

  • News

    DH publishes 18-week data for January 2008


    The Department of Health has published referral to treatment data for patients whose 18-week clock stopped in January 2008.

  • News

    Panel saves services at Horton Hospital


    The independent reconfiguration panel has advised the health secretary to reject Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals trust's proposals to downgrade paediatric, gynaecological and obstetric services at Horton Hospital because it would not provide an accessible or improved service for local people.

  • News

    Single room hospital gets go-ahead


    The NHS's first all-single-room acute hospital has been given the final go-ahead. The Department of Health announced last week that construction work could start on Pembury Hospital in Kent by the end of the month.

  • News

    Emergency services get the most calls from deprived areas


    Ambulances are four times more likely to be called out to deprived areas than the most affluent areas, a ground-breaking analysis has found.

  • News

    Most ambulance trusts off course for new target


    At least three-quarters of England's ambulance trusts look set to miss a new target for the time taken to respond to life-threatening emergencies.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Progress, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder


    The very latest view of progress with the national IT strategy is contained in the recently published document Supporting Transformation - the first of what promises to be an annual statement of programme benefits.Naturally enough this report accentuates the positive and a quick superficial read will give the intended impression ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Charing Cross


    Until recently the Accident and Emergency department at Charing Cross Hospital encountered a number of problems when recording patient data. The problem wasn’t clinical, but administrative. Nurses were inputting and displaying patient information in two separate places - on a pen and ink manual whiteboard that was regularly updated throughout ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Lyn Whitfield on


    When you’re in a hole, stop digging. It’s a well known maxim, but one the government seems completely incapable of applying to ID cards.Home secretary Jacqui Smith had the spade out again last month [subs March], when she re-launched the much criticised scheme for the umpteenth time.The BBC loyally reported ...

  • News

    Alison Irving on life after the health service


    A long, fulfilling career in the NHS can prepare you for things you never thought possible, as one former manager explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Unlawful killing: how trusts can prepare for an inquiry


    With new corporate manslaughter laws soon coming into force, trusts need to ensure they know how to prepare for an inquest. Laura Hale outlines the essentials

  • News

    DH response to Monitor under wraps


    The Department of Health has refused to release correspondence to Monitor regarding its legal dispute over the cap on income from private patients.