All Acute care articles – Page 408

  • News

    Lift-off for air ambulances as government comes calling


    The NHS is suddenly showing a lot of interest in buying into air ambulances. So are these charity services ready to do business? Alison Moore reports

  • News

    Foundation trusts query accounting changes


    Foundation trusts have raised concerns that forthcoming changes to accounting rules could undermine efforts to get hospitals to focus on where they make and lose money.

  • News

    Auditors concerned over Hinchingbrooke's £38.7m deficit


    Auditors for Hinchingbrooke Health Care trust have raised 'serious concerns' over its projected £38.7m deficit for 2007-08, as the trust's savings plans are not sufficient to cover it.

  • HSJ Knowledge



    The nation’s headline writers did not hold back when HM Revenue and Customs was forced to admit that it had lost the confidential details of every child benefit claimant in the country.Words like “shocking” and “fiasco” featured above the first stories about how the information had vanished after a “junior ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Putting life into NHS teaching


    Adopting new approaches to training in the NHS could benefit staff and patients, argues Nick Napper

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Fresh thinking on problem drinking


    Gillian Gale, Oliver Hill and Lucio Cicolecchia explain a twin strategy that aims to relieve some of the major pressures caused by alcohol abuse

  • Comment

    Raj Persaud on getting blood out of a stone


    Management is all too often about persuasion; powerful managers are better at persuading those in the workplace to pursue helpful change, while less competent managers are not so effective at overcoming resistance.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Médecins Sans Frontières?


    There are conflicting approaches to providing NHS care to those not entitled to it, and the charity Médecins du Monde is at the front line of the battle. Mark Gould reports

  • News

    Treasury puts off plan to move PFI schemes on balance sheet


    The Treasury has given the NHS a year's stay of execution over changes to accountancy rules with major implications for private finance initiative schemes. The move to international financial reporting standards was due to be implemented across the public sector from this April.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Can senior managers really make a difference?


    Do successful NHS managers have skill or luck to thank? Blair McPherson takes a closer look at what really determines which organisations sink and which swim

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Kate Silvester on lean or just mean


    Managing a system where all patients get their first definitive treatment within 18 weeks of GP referral will sort the mean from the lean thinkers.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ken Jarrold on taking a look in the mirror


    Understanding ourselves and other people is one of the most important management skills and is very useful in building and sustaining a productive and satisfying working life. Some people have natural self-awareness and empathy; most of us have to work at it.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Capping private patient income


    As the debate over the private patient income cap governing foundation trusts intensifies, Oliver Pritchard takes a closer look at the legal background of the issue

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Andrew Castle on innovations in patient safety


    Standardising clinical practice can go a long way towards improving patient safety, as one innovative programme in the US has shown. Andrew Castle explains

  • News

    Posts left open as national locum shortage takes hold


    Leaked Department of Health documents reveal a national shortage of locum hospital doctors, with some trusts reporting they are 'lucky if applicants attend for interview'.HSJ first highlighted the issue last year and the DH insisted as recently as 14 February this year that there was no evidence of a widespread ...

  • News

    Credit crunch puts Kent PFI under threat


    Plans by Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust for a new private finance initiative hospital were dealt a blow this week when the bonds intended to finance the deal were downgraded.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Readmission is not simply correlated to length of stay


    Over the past few years, length of stay has gone down while readmissions have gone up. It is tempting to see these two facts as related, but the truth is more complicated.

  • News

    Chief medic warns safety standards not high enough


    The core standards used to measure trusts' performance in annual assessments are 'not strong enough' on patient safety, the chief medical officer has told HSJ.

  • News

    Outcry forces former C diff chief to resign


    Ruth Harrison, the former chief executive of C difficile-hit Stoke Mandeville Hospital, has stepped down from an NHS consultancy post in the wake of public outcry.

  • News

    England's waiting times no better than Wales


    Statistics on waiting times in England and Wales have led to questions over the value for money of initiatives to reduce waiting times in England.