All Acute care articles – Page 411

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Pass on your skills


    With a worrying number of health and social care professionals fearing future skills shortages, two new courses could help to plug the gaps

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Health promoting hospitals


    Liverpool's Cardiothoracic Centre and the Royal Liverpool Children’s Hospital have developed public health strategies aimed at improving the health of hospital staff, patients and the wider community affected by the hospitals. These trusts are two of the largest of their kind in theUK, and the public health implications of all ...

  • News

    Trust defends repainting to greet prince


    Birmingham Children's Hospital foundation trust has defended using government funding to repaint hospital wards and a conservatory used by patients and visitors ahead of a royal visit.

  • News

    Monitor blocks Unison court move on private patient income


    Monitor has attempted to block Unison's judicial review by launching a three-month consultation into its interpretation of the foundation trust private patient income cap.

  • News

    Auditor finds PbR has 'questionable' impact on efficiency


    Payment by results has had a 'questionable' impact on driving up efficiency in the NHS, the Audit Commission has concluded.

  • News

    All or nothing: patients are told no to private top-ups


    Patients who choose to buy drugs that the NHS will not fund are being told they will have to pay for all their treatment - not just that part. Should trusts relent and offer mix-and-match packages of care, or would that mean a two-tier service? Alison Moore reports

  • News

    Breakdown of cross-border agreements is costing English trusts millions


    Diverging health policies in England and Wales are causing English hospitals to lose millions of pounds.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Allied health professionals and the 18-week target


    Allied health professionals play a vital role in delivering services to millions of patients, but there is still potential to use their expertise in assessment, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation to even greater effect.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Allied health professionals and the 18-week target


    Allied health professionals play a vital role in delivering services to millions of patients, but there is still potential to use their expertise in assessment, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation to even greater effect.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Lyn Whitfield on being over 30


    I attended an IT conference recently at which the keynote speaker told me I could never be a 'digital native' because I was over 30 and hadn't grown up texting.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Reports that took three days - now done in five minutes


    Although it is known for its high standards of quality, St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals trust has struggled to meet the new demands for fast, accurate information, particularly to support payment by results.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Intelligence - news in brief


    Mobile monitoring system keeps closer eye on mistakesSpecialists in e-working at Coventry University have developed a programme that uses mobile technology to allow staff to report mistakes immediately. The researchers at Coventry got together with health software providers Savant to develop a personal digital assistant system to help improve safety ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    National critical care networks conference


    The 2008 national critical care networks conference will be held at the Royal Armouries in Leedson 15 April under the banner One Step Beyond: quality critical care beyond comprehensive critical care.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    National critical care networks conference


    The 2008 national critical care networks conference will be held at the Royal Armouries in Leedson 15 April under the banner One Step Beyond: quality critical care beyond comprehensive critical care.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New basic skills programme launched


    NHS Connecting for Health is to drop the European Computer Driving Licence service in favour of a new Essential IT Skills Programme.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Paul Robinson on the waiting times initiative


    The NHS is often used as a generic term, but in reality it consists of four different services in four countries. In my last column, I examined surprising differences in the growth of emergency admissions in the four countries. This time we will look at an issue that has had ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Notes on a scandal: electronic records


    The row over summary care records rages on, but what do patients in pioneer areas think about them and do they fear invasion of privacy? Lyn Whitfield visits Bolton to find out

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Equality duties


    Despite the scathing and sceptical reaction from the press, the decision to implement a policy which provides for seriously ill Muslim patients to have their beds turned to faceMeccais a sensible and pragmatic action.It comes in response to the positive equality duties which are now imposed on NHS trusts in ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Engaging clinicians in NHS leadership


    John Clark and colleagues report on a project that aims to break down bunker-like regimes and involve medical staff in trust leadership

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The benefits of picture archiving technology


    The national IT programme is proclaiming a triumph at last, says Lyn Whitfield