All Acute care articles – Page 412

  • HSJ Knowledge



    A new report suggests that organisations in the health sector have a misplaced confidence about their ability to cope with uncertainty and change.The survey, carried out by the Chartered Management Institute, shows that, of the top concerns raised, only 51 per cent of organisations in the health sector believe that ...

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    Trevor Ludlam on


    The National Programme for IT was established to deliver front-line systems and services that would deliver major benefits for NHS organisations, staff and patients. Nottinghamshire Health Informatics Service has been steadily turning the vision of integrated information, communication and technology into a reality.Having just retired as director of Nottinghamshire Health ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The information highway


    Two doctors are transforming the way in which the NHS collects and uses data, says Daloni Carlisle

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Patient reports are simple and useful


    Despite all the data flowing around the NHS, the question of whether the patient feels better after a procedure is an extremely difficult one to answer. Some clinicians keep their own records, but more often than not they are interested only in whether what they did was successful from their ...

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    'Pay for performance' could be next, says NHS medical director


    The NHS medical director has warned managers of the national clinical audit programme that they 'must deliver' or they could lose their contract.

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    Council opposes East Sussex maternity plans


    Changes to maternity services in East Sussex have been put on hold after the county council's health scrutiny committee referred the plans to the health secretary.

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    Unison takes Monitor to court in wake of income cap silence


    Unison has launched judicial review proceedings against foundation trust regulator Monitor in a bid to stop trusts using arm's-length organisations to expand private patient work.

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    Bromley Hospitals trust fails cleanliness spot check


    Bromley Hospitals trust has been rapped for breaching the hygiene code after a Healthcare Commission spot check.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Sexuality - stamping out discrimination in the workplace


    Equality campaigns in health and social care have often overlooked the issue of sexuality and it is time that this changed, says Blair McPherson

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Sexuality - stamping out discrimination in the workplace


    Equality campaigns in health and social care have often overlooked the issue of sexuality and it is time that this changed, says Blair McPherson

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Making 2008 the year of race equality in the NHS


    With the new year come new opportunities to improve the health service and strengthen its commitment to racial equality. Helen Hally shares her NHS wish list for 2008

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Making 2008 the year of race equality in the NHS


    With the new year come new opportunities to improve the health service and strengthen its commitment to racial equality. Helen Hally shares her NHS wish list for 2008

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Stephen Ramsden on punitive processes


    How best can we drive up quality and safety in the NHS? The Darzi review will be important in determining the right balance between regulation and organisationally driven approaches. This is not an either/or scenario. We need both, but too much regulation will be counter-productive and demoralising to staff.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Social movements in the health service


    A hospital division has achieved unified working by agreeing a charter for staged change, write Jon Baber and Mary Sexton

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    Women consultants 'treat fewer patients'


    Rising numbers of women consultants could lead to a long-term decline in productivity, academics have warned.

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    Hospitals are 'fast tracking' elderly into care, CSCI finds


    A damning report by the Commission for Social Care Inspection has implicated NHS hospitals in an unfair tendency to 'fast track' elderly people into care homes.

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    Watchdog gives maternity services a 'wake-up call'


    NHS trusts have accepted that last week's Healthcare Commission report into maternity services should serve as a 'wake-up call' but have complained that the review's methodology may have treated them unfairly.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    System change hits activity records


    Over the second quarter of 2007-08 the overall performance of NHS organisations as measured by the Better Care, Better Value indicators has fallen slightly, but the overall change since the start of 2006-07 is still impressive.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Franklin Oikelome and Ronny Flynn on the NHS equality record


    The NHS is the largest single employer in the UK, employing over a million people. Since its inception, it has relied on a workforce with a high proportion of black and minority ethnic staff, many of whom were actively recruited in the 1950s and 1960s to pioneer the new health ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Out of the picture


    The NHS is still dragging its feet on race equality, especially in top posts. So will the relaunched Breaking Through programme kick-start the revolution, asks Caroline White