All Acute care articles – Page 413

  • HSJ Knowledge



    In the second of series on volunteering abroad, Patricia Sloan talks about how she is settling in to a new life in Cambodia.It is exactly two months since I left from Manchester Airport outward bound for Phnom Penh and into the unknown. I had spent the weeks prior to ...

  • News

    Ann Keen pledges to support Productive Ward


    Health minister Ann Keen has pledged her support to the Productive Ward programme, which is designed to help ward nurses release more timefor direct patient care.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Lesley Wright on making everyone a quality manager


    Quality is something we all hear a great deal about. But when asked the question 'how do you define quality?' many stop, pause and think, and a period of silence is followed by a variety of responses.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ken Jarrold on an NHS birthday to remember


    This year could be the best for the NHS in England for some time. Challenges will not be in short supply, including the 18-week target, infection control, foundation status and maintaining hard-won financial stability. However, it should be the first year for a while that is not dominated by financial ...

  • News

    Anger over C difficile pay-off


    The former chief executive of a trust at the centre of an infection control scandal is to get a £75,000 pay-off.Rose Gibb, who led Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust, will only get her 'legal entitlement' of six months' salary, the trust said yesterday.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Streamlining interpreting services in the NHS


    Changing the way interpreting services are used can save money and improve patient care, as Roz de Silva explains

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    Women denied pain relief during childbirth


    Women are often left alone during childbirth and denied proper pain relief according to a survey.

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    Private patients' unpaid bills leave trusts chasing millions


    NHS trusts and foundation trusts are owed millions in outstanding fees from private patients, HSJ has learned.

  • News

    Ash's payout unlikely to mean flood of claims


    Actor Leslie Ash's £5m compensation will not lead to a flood of successful complaints, the NHS Litigation Authority has underlined.

  • News

    Accessible MRI scan plan backfires


    A hospital trust's attempt to provide accessible MRI scans for some of its patients has left it nursing a bill of around £10,000 per scan.

  • Comment

    Hospital beds - dispelling myths


    Throughout the NHS's history, politicians have been under pressure to protest against proposed hospital closures. But having more beds is not always better. In fact, too many hospital beds can lead to imbalances in overall health service provision and damage the quality of services, argues Richard Banyard

  • HSJ Knowledge

    KSF – the challenges ahead


    Affecting around 1 million NHS staff on Agenda for Change terms and conditions, the Knowledge and Skills Framework is now helping many NHS trusts to achieve their workforce priorities. It supports them in re-designing their services, as well as in developing and retaining their workforce and engaging with their staff. ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Teaming up for patient safety


    Torbay Hospital, part of South Devon Healthcare trust, is on course to cut its MRSA rates in half for 2007.Torbay is part of the Health Foundation's safer patients initiative and is twinned with Musgrove Park Hospital, based in Taunton and Somerset trust.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Gillian Hastings on a patient safety revolution


    Working in quality improvement, we hear constant sound bites about the need to change the organisational culture in healthcare and develop a culture of patient safety. But what does this change involve and how can we help bring it about?

  • HSJ Knowledge

    All-parliamentary group discusses patient safety


    Health minister Ann Keen used her background in nursing to give a personal account of her approach to improving hospital safety at December's meeting of the all-parliamentary group on patient safety.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Business improvement qualification helps lean champions aim higher


    Airedale trust's lean champions have earned national vocational qualifications in business improvement techniques, helping them in their drive to eliminate wasteful practices and enhance patient care.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Try the human touch


    Paula Hyde and Ruth Boaden look at how HR managers have an increasingly important role in boosting performance

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Perfect match


    The training of more junior staff has been neglected in the past. But an initiative that provides match-funding for investment in their skills is a big boost for those in bands 1-4, reports Stuart Shepherd

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Helen Bevan on the productive theatre


    Hot on the heels of the successful Productive Ward, the NHS Institute has begun the Productive Operating Theatre programme in response to great demand.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Putting discharge delays to bed


    Better systems are needed to put a stop to bed blocking. Tom Rothwell examines the problem and what can be done to overcome it