All Acute care articles – Page 419

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Supporting older people after discharge


    A co-ordinated approach between healthcare agencies, housing associations and local authorities can make a real difference to the lives of vulnerable older people after they leave hospital, as Judy Peaker explains.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    E-procurement strategy / launch.


    Lyn WhitfieldImproving data quality and getting systems to work together are more or less the first issues to arise whenever IT is discussed in the NHS. They apply as much to commercial systems as to clinical ones.Yet the health service has tended not to take a common approach when it ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Emergency admissions


    A great deal of media commentary is based on the analysis of figures forEngland. The assumption is that everything is the same in other four countries that make up theUnited Kingdom. However, I felt it was time to test this assumption. This analysis looks at the relatively simple issue of ...

  • News

    District general hospitals face heavy specialist service losses


    District general hospitals face handing their specialist services to regional centres of excellence because they will no longer be paid the services' full cost, HSJ has learned.

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    Two hospital directors sacked in fraud probe


    Two directors of a private hospital group at the centre of an investigation by the NHS Counter Fraud and Security Management Service have been sacked for 'incompetence'.

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    Trusts doing well will not be penalised for historic deficits


    Hospitals working hard to address historic deficits have been given a reprieve by the Audit Commission: they will no longer automatically score 'inadequate' in the resources element of the health check.

  • News

    Delayed discharge of elderly blamed on funding gap


    Bed-blocking is being driven up because hospitals are discharging patients earlier and social services do not have the resources to cope, the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services has claimed.

  • Comment

    Payment by results: top-up scheme clears the way for back-door reconfiguration


    The changes to the tariff for specialist services revealed in this week's HSJ risk inflaming public opinion just as Lord Darzi's review is supposed to be restoring confidence in how reconfigurations are managed.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Knowledege and skills framework - reap the rewards


    The knowledge and skills framework of Agenda for Change offers great opportunities for both employers and staff, yet it is not being used to full effect in the NHS. But what can it offer, why is not being used consistently, and what can we do about it? Alastair Henderson explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New NHS Employers healthy workplaces guide


    NHS Employers has launched new print and online advice for employers, covering a range of workplace health issues from bullying and discrimination to needlestick injuries, sickness absence and alcohol abuse.

  • News

    Acute Healthcare Organisation of the Year


    Winner South Tees Hospitals TrustIn the space of a little over two years South Tees Hospitals trust has pulled itself back from the brink to become a dynamic and innovative centre of clinical and leadership excellence.The exceptional work that took place to achieve such a turnaround has all been done ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS Employers' vision for doctors


    NHS Employers has outlined its vision on the training, responsibilities, working environment, career development and job prospects of doctors of the future.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    CSIP launches toolkit to foster respect


    Nurses on acute wards for older people with dementia, delirium or depression will be interested in the new Care Services Improvement Partnership toolkit on respect

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Infection control: back to the boardroom


    Informing the board and protecting patients were the key strands of one trust's infection control drive, writes Alison Norman

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ofcare - a break with the past or business as usual?


    The recent announcements by the prime minister and the health secretary that there is to be a crackdown on hospital-acquired infections must be good news for patients and healthcare professionals. A new regulator is promised, with tough powers of inspection, investigation and intervention, backed by fines, where hygiene standards are ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    PAs allow senior nurses to focus on patient care


    Heart of England foundation trust recently piloted the role of senior nurse personal assistant. Since the introduction of four PAs a year ago, there have been demonstrable benefits. Karen Bowley explains

  • Comment

    Michael White on nursing standards


    I didn't know whether to laugh or make plans to flee the country when I read weekend front-page headlines such as 'Nurses to have the power to end a life'

  • News

    Deficit crisis warning over Scotland's PFI expansion


    Plans to more than quadruple the size of NHS Scotland's private finance initiative programme risk creating a deficit crisis akin to that in England, researchers have warned.

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    Darzi blames poor leaders for hospital infection outbreaks


    Minimising hospital-acquired infections should be the responsibility of managers, junior health minister Lord Darzi has told the Commons health select committee.

  • News

    Trusts 'shell' bed space to keep grip on PFI approval


    Hospital trusts are being forced to mothball significant numbers of beds to get government approval for private finance initiative deals.