All Acute care articles – Page 424

  • News

    New medics say abandon computerised job system


    A junior doctors' group has called for a return to a paper-based, local recruitment system to fill thousands of specialty training posts in 2008.

  • News

    Stroke service start


    A 24-hour stroke service in north London has been launched at University College London Hospitals foundation trust in a joint initiative with the Whittington Hospital trust.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Trading places


    After an exceptional week spent in each other's roles, the chief executives of a primary care trust and its main acute provider agree the idea works. Daloni Carlisle reports

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    HSJ launches revamped website


    HSJ has launched a new-look website featuring extra content and designed to be easier to use.

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    Warning for 'optimistic' foundations


    Foundation trusts could see one of their freedoms curtailed if they continue to make 'overly optimistic' predictions about their performance.

  • News

    NICE stands firm, but the public must learn to respect rationing


    When the High Court upheld NICE guidance on Alzheimer's drugs, it was seen as an endorsement of its fairness and credibility. But unless the public is better informed of resource issues, unrealistic demands for new drugs will continue to be an issue, writes Helen Mooney

  • News

    Human rights let down by existing law


    Human rights should be enshrined in health service delivery, according to a report calling for new duties to protect the rights of older people in hospitals and care homes.A joint committee on human rights report this week said existing legislation does not sufficiently protect and promote the rights of older ...

  • Comment

    Is it the end for district general hospitals?


    Will more care at home and new 'polyclinics' spell the end of district general hospitals? Patient benefit must drive services, says Ian Gilmore, while Anthony Harrison suggests local hospitals still have a place

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Day-case rates


    Recent research by Dr Foster and the NHS Institute analyses productivity opportunities across a range of key areas such as reductions in emergency admissions, statin prescribing and increases in day-case rates. For the last of these there the most recent quarter shows an opportunity of£12m, down from£16m in Q1 2006. ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Lee on encouraging honesty


    Once again, it is the time of year when a young manager's thoughts turn to the staff survey. The NHS staff survey is the largest of its kind in the world, and annual familiarity can breed contempt. But the results have a way of impacting on organisations' parts that even ...

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    DoH to push choice policy using payment by results


    The government has announced it will begin using payment by results to drive choice.

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    CfH pulls paid-for google link


    Typing 'where did all the money go' into Google until recently directed users to the website of the Department of Health's IT programme.

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    SNP calls for fast-track reforms


    Scotland's new SNP health secretary has called on NHS boards to accelerate the pace of change to give patients the services they deserve.

  • News

    Trust in bully probe praised for progress


    A hospital trust has been praised for the way it has tackled problems of bullying and harassment.The Healthcare Commission said East Sussex Hospitals trust had made 'significant progress' in improving communication and relationships between staff since its initial investigation in 2004-05.Trust chair John Lewis said: 'While the commission found that ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Maggie Rae on building trust


    Competence-based work and well-defined skills are key to an effective workforce. My civil service colleagues benefit greatly from the Professional Skills for Government training they get. Of course, experience and creative thinking are also part of a well-rounded person.However, you can have all the skills, intelligence and qualifications you like, ...

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    Home births to be included in payment by results tariff


    Home births will be included in the payment by results tariff next year to support choice for women the chief executive of NHS has announced.

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    When will NHS digital dreams become a reality for patients?


    The internet is helping feed the public's huge appetite for information. But with NHS websites struggling to live up to their potential and fears of a 'digital divide', how is the health service going to meet this challenge? Alison Moore reports

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    Herts bags early winner with stadium bid


    As the football season cranks into action, Watford have scored an early goal in a PFI partnership with West Hertfordshire Hospitals trust.The trust hopes to share£80m-£100m of its costs by building a new hospital in Watford as part of a development encompassing a new stadium, housing, a hotel and conference ...

  • News

    Autumn relaunch for skills


    The knowledge and skills framework is set for a relaunch this autumn to address its lagging implementation in many trusts.The Social Partnership Forum, made up of NHS Employers, the NHS trade unions and the Department of Health, will lead a relaunch of the Agenda for Change careers framework from mid-September.The ...

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    Medic's freedoms will reveal commitment to NHS autonomy


    'The arrival of another world-class surgeon at Richmond House is a significant coup for NHS chief executive David Nicholson'