All Acute care articles – Page 425

  • News

    PCTs assured over ICATS liability


    Primary care trusts in the North West will not have to pay out if the number of patients using privately operated clinical assessment services is lower than anticipated.NHS North West has moved to allay concerns that PCTs across the patch would be forced to pay for the integrated clinical assessment ...

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    Anna Donald on drugs in the headlines


    Hardly a day passes without press reports on products of one kind or another, be they heart drugs, vitamin tablets or laser surgery.Of late: the diabetes drugs Avandia and Actos may cause heart failure. Our national heart disease director Professor Roger Boyle thinks all men older than 50 should take ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Jenny Rogers on anger management


    A new client is referred to me. It's clear this man is a star; a globally respected expert. When everything is going well he is personable, dynamic, creative and meets stretching targets. Yet it is clear from the muffled and coded semi-briefing I get from his boss that this man's ...

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    Maker of all messages: from media to morale


    Working as director of communications director at one of London's major hospitals is a multifaceted role. Alison Cahn recalls her time in the post

  • News

    Airborne medics save lives claim helicopter charities


    A charter for air ambulances is fuelling debate over the future roles of air and land ambulances. Four independent air ambulance charities have signed up to new standards including a commitment to 'pre-hospital care doctors' on flights.

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    Agency docs are 'cheaper than locums'


    Agency doctors are up to £4,500 a year cheaper than locums from the NHS's own staffing bank, claims new research.

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    Agencies cost less


    Agency doctors are up to£4,500 a year cheaper than locums from the NHS's own staffing bank, research claims.Independent healthcare analyst Laing and Buisson compared the cost of employing doctors through commercial recruitment agencies with hiring from NHS Professionals (NHSP), the in-house agency used by more than 60 health trusts.It found ...

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    Trusts advised not to settle women's back pay claims


    Trusts have been urged not to settle back pay claims from women who claim they were unfairly treated before the introduction of Agenda for Change.

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    Maternity networks invited to bid to become early adopter sites


    Maternity networks are being invited to bid to become early adopter sites to speed up the implementation of Maternity Matters.

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    Academic Health Science Centre


    Pace has gathered in the formation of the UK’s first academic health and science centre as the consultation result show support for the move.The consultation results show strong public and staff support for a merger between Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust and St Mary’s NHS Trust and integration with Imperial College ...

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    Remove DoH from the NHS, says academic


    The government should consider an 'alternative' comprehensive spending review which proposes new models of funding for the health service, according to a report published later this month.

  • News

    nib 6


    Graphic pictures illustrating the effects smoking can have on health will be printed on all cigarette packets from next year, health secretary Alan Johnson has announced.The 15 images to be used were chosen following a consultation in 2006, market research and a public vote. The move makes the UK the ...

  • News

    nib 5


    The UK’s first academic health science centre has been given the green light by health secretary Alan Johnson.Hammersmith Hospitals trust and St Mary’s Hospital trust will merge on 1 October and integrate with Imperial College London. Lord Tugendhat has been appointed the first chairman of Imperial College Healthcare trust by ...

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    nib 3


    The Independent Reconfiguration Panel has recommended that Gloucestershire Partnership foundation trust, Gloucestershire primary care trust and Gloucestershire County Council work closely to strengthen older people 's community mental health services and community mental health teams.Chair of the IRP, Dr Peter Barrett said: 'The issue of the location of inpatient services ...

  • News

    nib 2


    Waiting times have continued to improve, new Department of Health figures show.Those waiting 20 weeks or more stood at 10,500 a decrease of 1,900 from June while the number of patients waiting less than eight weeks increased to 93.4 per cent from 84.8 per cent in July 2006.

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    nib 1


    A new chief executive has been appointed to NHS South Central. Jim Easton joins the strategic health authority from York hospitals foundation trust and replaces Mark Britnell who moved to the Department of Health in July.Mr Easton said: 'There is a real ambition across the NHS and its partners ...

  • News



    Patients should be a given a personal budget to pay for their healthcare directly, according to a report from the University of Birmingham’s Health Services Management Centre.The paper suggests personalised budgets would empower NHS patients to take control of their care, similar to direct payments for social care. Our ...

  • News



    Five trusts have been judged compliant with the Hygiene Code, as part of the latest round of spot checks by the Healthcare Commission. Two were compliant with no recommendations for improvement:Mayday Healthcare NHS Trust andNorth Teesand Hartlepool NHS Trust.Trusts with recommendations were: Sherwood Forest NHS Foundation Trust, University Hospital Birmingham ...

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    The Royal College of Nursing has launched a consultation to gauge NHS members' views on the government's improved pay offer. The results of its indicative ballot have also been released, showing more than 95% of nurses wanted a ballot on strike action against the original staged pay award. The new ...

  • News

    2,000 in move to own homes


    Nearly 2,000 people with learning disabilities are to be moved into their own homes after the DH announced £175m in funding for primary care trusts to close NHS institutions.