All Acute care articles – Page 426

  • News

    New deputy chairman for BMA


    A new deputy chairman has been appointed to the council of the British Medical Association. Dr Kate Bullen is an associate specialist anaesthetist who works at the North Bristol trust's Frenchay Hospital.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Stephen Thornton on engaging clinicians


    'One of the most powerful motivating factors for clinicians to be involved in improving services is seeing its direct impact on the quality of patient care'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Transforming care at the bedside


    Health Foundation quality improvement fellow, Annette Bartley has been asked by the Welsh Assembly to pilot a programme to transform bedside care based on her fellowship research in the United States.

  • News

    children's health


    The UK can do more to stop children being harmed by environmental hazards such as air pollution, says a new report by the Health Protection Agency.The document is a first step towards a UK Children’s Environment and Health Strategy, which will be put into action by local and regional public ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Lesley Wright on walking the walk


    'Many healthcare teams are undertaking the lean approach and systematically removing waste to improve the flow for patients.'

  • News

    New dress code to prevent spread of infections


    A new dress code that specifies 'bare below the elbows' will mark the end of doctors' traditional white coats.The overhaul of uniforms and workwear is part of a range of measures announced by health secretary Alan Johnson to help prevent the spread of hospital-acquired infections.

  • News

    Specialist services essential in diabetes care


    A new publication from the diabetes specialist services liaison group highlights the challenges that diabetes poses for the NHS and how specialist services can help overcome them.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Organ Donation: give or take?


    Sir Liam Donaldson's recent proposals to increase organ donation by making consent implicit go directly against the Human Tissue Act 2004, reports Ben Troke

  • HSJ Knowledge

    A look at long-term care


    The national framework for NHS continuing healthcare comes into force on 1 October. Eve Francis gives a legal perspective on the implications of the framework for PCTs and NHS trusts and the pros and cons of the new regime

  • News

    PFI hospitals plan to lose management posts


    Two hospitals with private finance initiative projects are preparing to cut hundreds of jobs.

  • News

    Wanless warns of spending 'hell'


    The NHS faces a 'hell of a job' after failing to deliver major advances in productivity and public health, Sir Derek Wanless has told HSJ.

  • Comment

    Michael White on former health secretary Stephen Dorrell


    When I rang him he said the NHS has 'gone full circle' since Labour came in and abolished the internal market in 1997

  • News

    Trust escapes repayment of debts


    A trust which was threatening to make hundreds of staff redundant has been told it need not pay back £20.7m historic debt - provided it manages its finances better.

  • News

    Potential return to huge debt in three years' time


    The man who laid the ground for the massive spending boost to the NHS has warned that the service could be up to £15.2bn short again in three years.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Reducing maternal death rates in Malawi


    Maternal and neonatal death is one of the biggest healthcare issues facing developing countries. Malawi has one of the highest death rates in the world, with over 5 per cent of births ending in a fatality. To help tackle this, the Health Foundation is running a three-year programme dedicated to ...

  • News

    'Outdated' IT systems raise MPs' concerns


    Hospitals have been forced to rely on increasingly outdated IT systems because of delays in implementing a major part of the national programme for IT, the Commons health select committee has warned.

  • News

    Public expecting too much as spending cuts approach


    Local managers need more accountability and stronger support from politicians when making tough decisions, a think tank has claimed.

  • News

    'Albatross' private finance charges slated in research


    Trusts with large private finance initiative projects are facing continued pressure to cut services and jobs to meet payments, two leading researchers have claimed.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Acute trusts September 2007


    Confidence in the positive effect of choice continues its steady rise, according to the latest Barometer survey of acute trust chief executives.

  • Comment

    Stephen Hocking on the drugs debate


    'Unfortunately, economics dictates that with finite financial resources, not every drug can be purchased and paid for by a publicly funded health service'