All Acute care articles – Page 427

  • News

    Joint project to reduce falls in patients


    According to a new study, closer working between pharmacy and physiotherapy services may improve care for older people at risk of falls.Research carried out at Guy's and St Thomas' foundation trust found that many older patients who have fallen would benefit from having their medicines reviewed.

  • News

    New study claims that the pill may cut cancer risk


    The contraceptive pill may reduce the risk of cancer for most women, according to a study published by the British Medical Journal.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The nuclear option that's increasing patient safety


    A colour-coded early warning score system adapted from nuclear submarines has significantly reduced mortality rates at Luton and Dunstable hospital.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Stephen Ramsden on being a good chief executive


    'What is the role of a chief executive? I constantly ask myself this and I firmly believe the NHS has got it wrong.'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Raj Persaud on trade-offs


    If you could be given a money substitute for charming nurses, how much would compensate you for their absence?

  • News

    Smoking ban has improved Scottish health


    The number of heart attack hospital admissions in Scotland fell by 17 per cent in the first year after its smoking ban came into force, it has been claimed.According to research presented at a conference to discuss the impact of the ban, there has also been a 39 per cent ...

  • News

    BMA hits out at 'focus on money'


    More progress is needed on the 18-week GP referral to hospital treatment target, the British Medical Association has said.

  • News

    London unveils first polyclinic


    London's first polyclinic is set to be built by University College London Hospital and Camden primary care trust.

  • Comment

    Malcolm Lowe-Lauri on aspiring to good service


    'Complex systems and difficult interfaces - isn't that supposed to be us?'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Corporate Manslaughter Act - do or die


    Consequences of deaths deemed to be caused by an NHS body are changing in major ways and managers should get prepared, says Jill Mason.In July, the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 gained Royal Assent and is due to come into force in April 2008. This is an ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Stephen Ramsden on avoidable deaths


    What is your hospital standardised mortality rate and what have you done to improve it?In the first in an online series on the relationship between good management and safety, Stephen Ramsden discusses strategies for lowering hospital mortality rates

  • News

    Biobank to accept samples from cancer patients


    Cancer patients can now donate tissue samples for research purposes to onCore UK, a national biobank.Patients in selected NHS trusts can opt to donate samples of their tumour and blood to the bank.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Built to care


    With new building assessment methods looming for the NHS, Stuart Shepherd highlights a key shared learning resource

  • News

    Quarterly hospital performance figures


    The Department of Health has released figures for NHS inpatient and outpatient activity for the period ending 30 June 2007.

  • News

    Visa rules could slow recruitment


    Plans to restrict the number of foreign midwives on 'fast track' visas will thwart the government's pledge to drastically improve maternity care, campaigners are claiming.

  • Comment

    Media Watch


    There's a whiff of former health secretary Patricia Hewitt's infamous map of NHS-trouble-spots-which-could-cost-Labour-MPs-their-seats to the weekend's coverage of service changes in Greater Manchester.

  • News

    Johnson praised for backing reform plans


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has been commended for backing managers' plans to reconfigure hospital services in Manchester - as Conservatives face the fallout from a row about district general hospitals.

  • News

    Johnson praised for backing reform plans


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has been commended for backing managers' plans to reconfigure hospital services in Manchester - as Conservatives face the fallout from a row about district general hospitals.

  • Comment

    Noel Plumridge on ambition to expand


    'Market advocates praise choice, but those within them do their best to create a monopoly'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Lean principles


    Lean working principles have enabled Airedale General Hospital cut referal to diagnosis times for suspected bowel cancer patients.Developed by staff at Airedale NHS Trust, the project saw the Lean Healthcare Academy, based at Airedale General Hospital, West Yorkshire, working with its founding partner, The Virtual College in Ilkley, to streamline ...