All Acute care articles – Page 438

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    Andrew Jones on independence day


    'The conundrum is simply how to devolve day-to-day responsibility to an independent board with the benefits of efficient delivery, local decisions and avoidance of political interference'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Death in America: improving end-of-life care


    Caring for dying the biggest challenge facing the NHS, which can learn from the US, say Richard Smith and colleagues

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    Dr Nick Griffin on clinical input in the development of HRG4


    In 2002, the Department of Health developed a policy to fund healthcare by a national tariff applied to patient level activity. This policy, payment by results, required a new currency for the grouping of activity.

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    Senior appointments: Mascie-Taylor tipped to land new NHS medical director role


    Leeds Teaching Hospitals trust medical director and former acting chief executive Hugo Mascie-Taylor tops the shortlist for the new NHS medical director, HSJ understands.

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    Myth-buster: bedbugs bite


    Stephen Black challenges NHS untruths in the first in a new series

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    DoH launches occupational health projects


    The Department of Health has announced that businesses in Yorkshire, Cambridgeshire, Buckinghamshire, London and Hampshire are to benefit from demonstration projects designed to improve occupational health. The projects will share £10m to help boost the mental, physical and social well-being of local staff.Health minister Rosie Winterton said: 'The funding of ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Improving data on private sector healthcare


    As the proportion of NHS patients treated by the independent sector continues to rise, the Information Centre for health and social focusing on new ways of improving the quality of.information submitted by private sector health providers, particularly about NHS-funded care.

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    Working with Oakleigh Consulting


    The Information Centre for health and social care's commercial management team is working with Oakleigh make information on the NHS more accessible.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Encouraging clinicians to use data


    The Information Centre for health and social care.has launched a new initiative to work more closely with clinicians to improve the quality of data used to measure patient outcomes.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Information Centre unveils revamped website


    The Information Centre for health and social care's revamped website includes improved access to information from the hospital episode statistics.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: releasing value from land


    Buildings need to be used efficiently and filled to capacity to raise money.needed for investment back into the health sector, argues Marisa Broadhurst.

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    Ad campaign launched to prepare for smoking ban


    A smoky atmosphere is the single biggest reason for avoiding a pub or bar, according to a survey published by the Department of Health.The government has also launched a national advertising campaign to remind the public what the legislation will mean when the smoking ban comes into force on 1 ...

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    DoH rejig indicates future direction of policy


    After many tremors below the surface, the detail of the restructuring of the Department of Health has emerged this week. NHS chief executive David Nicholson has created a new NHS leadership team, with new posts, and some clear water from the rest of the department (read news item on Nicholson's ...

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    Emergency czar backs A&E closure


    National emergency access director Professor Sir George Alberti has backed controversial proposals to shut a north east London accident and emergency department.

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    1997 and all that: Blair remembered


    The NHS has transformed remarkably since Tony Blair entered Number 10 in May 1997, reinvigorating a struggling monolith with record investment.

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    David Nicholson on service transformation


    'We can only deliver genuine transformation of health care services if our staff understand what we are trying to do'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New network supporting refugee healthcare professionals


    The Reachout Network is a newly formed, UK-wide network for people working to improve support for refugee healthcare professionals. A variety of projects will exist around the country and the network aims to bring together all working in the field.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Reaping the rewards of e-learning


    Airedale Trust has been working with the Lean Healthcare Academy to develop a series of pilot projects using a new training facility based at Airedale General Hospital.

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    Local Hospitals Network conference success


    The inaugural conference of the Local Hospitals Network, The Future of Local Hospitals: Our greatest challenge?.was held in London on 21 March 2007. All the presentations are available to download from the conference page.

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    Critical decisions on critical care capacity


    Historically, additional critical care capacity in a trust has usually occurred in response to repeated crises. This reactive approach is clearly less than ideal and a better solution involves planned or staged alterations in bed capacity to anticipate changes within the trust.