All Acute care articles – Page 442

  • News

    Hewitt unveils patient choice plans


    Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt has announced new measures to increase patient choice.The NHS Choices website will go live in July, and a pilot will see trained librarians helping the public to access choose and book.Ms Hewitt also said there will be 'free' choice of any hospital provider in the country ...

  • News

    Ofsted publishes children's services report


    Education regulator Ofsted has published a report on joint working in education and children's services across the country.Narrowing the gap: the inspection of children's services says partnership working between different sectors provides 'a clear strategic focus on key priorities' in meeting children's health needs.Read the report here

  • News

    BMA welcomes embryo ruling


    The British Medical Association has welcomed the European Court's decision not to allow Natalie Evans to use embryos fertilised by an ex-partner in IVF treatment.Commenting on the ruling, BMA medical ethics committee chair Dr Tony Calland said the European Court has supported the principle of consent from all parties.Ms Evans ...

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    Scottish Labour party vows to halve waiting times


    The Scottish Labour party has pledged to halve waiting times to 18 weeks from referral to treatment by 2011. The promise comes in the party's new manifesto, launched today.There is also a specific commitment to cut waits to see physiotherapists, clinical psychologists and chiropodists to nine weeks by the same ...

  • News

    Cash pledge for London research centres


    Two expert research centres in London have received more than £10m in funding from the Department of Health.The money is intended to drive improvements in the safety, quality and effectiveness of the services the NHS provides to patients and the public.

  • News

    Funding boost for anorexia research


    The Department of Health has pledged £2m for research into anorexia.South London and Maudsley foundation trust, the Institute of Psychiatry and eating disorder charity Beat will carry out the research.Health minister Rosie Winterton said she hoped the findings would 'enable professionals to better treat the complex emotional issues that are ...

  • News

    £468m for biomedical research pot


    Eleven new Biomedical Research Centres of excellence will share more than £468m of funding over the next five years.The centres set across England will carry out research on major killers such as cancer and heart disease, as well as other crucial areas such as asthma, HIV, mental illness and blindness.Read ...

  • News

    Phil Wade on the Information Centre's future


    The business development director of the Information Centre outlines its eight priorities for next year, including identifying how much of the NHS drugs budget is wasted and providing a more detailed picture of independent sector care.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Improved Information Centre website


    What's in store on the revamped Information Centre website

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: the employment law implications of mergers


    Merging with another organisation means taking on its staff - and any associated problems such as grievance procedures and litigation claims. Legal expert Rachel Heenan advises on how to avoid nasty post-merger shocks.

  • News

    National head and neck cancer audit


    The second annual head and neck cancer audit report will include information on the treatment of over 1,400 people. For the first time it includes data from Wales as well as England.

  • Comment

    Whitehall shake-out rumbles more change


    'The DoH will not comment on whether posts such as director-general of commissioning will disappear rather than be filled, but is it likely that much of the spate of high-profile leavers, so far and to come, is part of a coming restructuring.'

  • Comment

    Pioneers race on but progress is measured by the backmarkers


    'It is notable that not one of the 13 early achiever sites comes from NHS London or NHS East of England'

  • News

    News analysis: Taking the private pennies - without the public grief


    NHS hospitals looking to increase their private work can run into sticky political and publicity-related situations. So how far can they go, asks Alison Moore

  • News

    Ambulance staff falsified response-time figures


    Ambulance control room staff changed response-time figures, improving the trust's performance against government targets, an Audit Commission investigation has revealed.

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    Monitor publishes revised compliance framework


    Monitor has published a revised version of the compliance framework, following consultation.The updated framework includes amendments to indicators used to derive annual and in-year financial risk ratings; definitions, thresholds and reporting requirements for major investments; and refinement of membership plans to introduce greater focus on progress towards the development of ...

  • News

    Conservatives call for IVF clarification


    The Conservatives have called on the government to explain when IVF guidance will be implemented.Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley said: 'Many NHS patients are receiving only one cycle of IVF and this will be difficult for them. Labour need to explain when they will provide three cycles of IVF, as ...

  • News

    Audit sets out cancer care improvements


    The treatment and care of cancer patients could be improved if more were done to improve record keeping, according to a report from the Information Centre for health and social care.The report found that care for one quarter of patients with throat and mouth cancer is not recorded at multi-disciplinary ...

  • News

    Pioneering expert appointed chief scientist of Cancer Research UK


    Cancer Research UK has appointed leading cancer researcher Professor Sir David Lane as its first chief scientist.Professor Lane discovered the p53 protein, which plays a central role in preventing cancer. He called for a 'global effort' in the fight against cancer.

  • News

    Social enterprise schemes discover funding allocations


    Social enterprise schemes will today discover their share of £1.4m of national funding, made available by care services minister Ivan Lewis.The 26 schemes from across England will receive Department of Health funding towards start-up costs, plus wider support such as training, to help them lead the way in delivering community ...