All Acute care articles – Page 444

  • News

    NHS human rights framework launched


    A human rights framework has been launched by the government to help NHS organisations apply a human rights-based approach to delivering healthcare.Launching Human Rights in Healthcare - a framework for local action, health minister Rosie Winterton said it had been developed with help from the British Institute of Human Rights ...

  • News

    Nicholson: NHS financial system now fit for the future


    NHS chief executive David Nicholson has welcomed the abolishment of the 'inconsistent and unfair' resource accounting and budgeting system.The move was announced by health secretary Patricia Hewitt following recommendations by the Audit Commission. Mr Nicholson said it will be replaced by a system that 'ensures fairness, transparency and responsibility'.Read the ...

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    Choice of treatment on the rise


    More patients say they have been offered a choice of treatment at referral, the latest patient choice survey reveals.Forty-one per cent of patients say they had a choice, compared with 38 per cent two months previously.Read the report here

  • News

    North West Wales trust lands award


    North West Wales trust has won the sustainable procurement category at the Local Government Chronicle and HSJ Sustainable Communities Awards 2007 for its combination of an apprentice buyer scheme, green buying and its work in creating opportunities for small local companies.The winner of the headline partnership award for sustainable communities ...

  • News

    Doctors to issue 'information prescriptions'


    Doctors and other health professionals will prescribe information as well as pills under a new schemed launched by health secretary Patricia Hewitt.People with long-term conditions or social care needs will receive 'information prescriptions' to guide them to relevant information about their condition.Find out more here

  • News

    Proposals to update law on infectious diseases


    Public health minister Caroline Flint today welcomed the publication of a consultation paper setting out the government's proposals for changes to the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984.Ms Flint called for legislation to promote an 'effective and proportionate' response to the potential spread of infectious diseases and contamination.Read more ...

  • News

    Healthcare Commission reports on heart mortality rates


    A report by the Healthcare Commission has found that rates of mortality for heart surgery at Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals trust are within statistical limits.Commission chief executive Anna Walker said surgeons were to be 'strongly commended' for publishing the data.Read the report here

  • News

    New NHS London chief executive named


    Ruth Carnell has been appointed chief executive of NHS London, after taking on the post on an interim basis last September when David Nicholson was appointed NHS chief executive.Mr Nicholson commented: ëI strongly believe we have found the right person to lead the NHS in London. Since she took up ...

  • News

    Blair sets out principles for public service reform


    Prime minister Tony Blair told a public service reform conference yesterday that changing public services must give people more power, ensure diversity of supply and offer specific help to those most in need.Mr Blair said massive increased investment in services had been needed, and had yielded more hospitals, lower waiting ...

  • News

    Hewitt to host public summit


    Health secretary Patricia Hewitt is hosting a citizens' summit today for 90 members of the public who were involved in the listening exercises for the Your Health, Your Care, Your Say white paper.They will have the opportunity to discuss the implementation of the white paper since last January and the ...

  • News

    New social enterprise guide published


    The Social Enterprise Coalition and law firm Hempsons have published a guide on social enterprise in health and social care designed for commissioners and providers.Healthy Business includes nine case studies highlighting the diversity of social enterprises already operating in health and social care. The coalition will set up a health ...

  • News

    Go-ahead for judicial review on drug recommendations


    The High Court has cleared the way for the first judicial review challenging how the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence reaches decisions on drug recommendations.Alzheimer's drug manufacturer Eisai and its co-promotion partner Pfizer were granted permission for a review yesterday on the decision by NICE not to recommend ...

  • News

    Care UK set for Mercury Health takeover


    Care UK has agreed a conditional contract with Tribal Group to buy Mercury Health for £31.5m, as well as assuming debts of £20.7m and repaying inter-company borrowing of £24.6m.Among the conditions for the acquisition to go ahead is approval from the Department of Health for the change of ownership. If ...

  • News

    Low-weight births increasing, says report


    More babies are being born at dangerously low weights than in 1989, according to a report from the Fabian Society.Born Unequal says 67 of every 1,000 babies had low birth weight in 1989, rising to 76 by 1999 and 78 by 2006. The report calls for mandatory one-to-one care for ...

  • News

    Best practice: how to predict length of stay


    Asking patients to answer a unique set of questions about themselves helps assign them to the right beds from the beginning. Heather Waterman and Cherry Mason detail how a new allocation system has been working

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: The Mental Capacity Act


    All health care organisations need to make sure that the correct governance arrangements are in place to give effect to patients' rights and monitor application of the Act, writes Peter Marquand

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Safety first: the benefits of e-prescribing


    Entice staff on board with electronic prescribing and the results can be dramatic, reports Varya Shaw

  • HSJ Knowledge

    EARLI impact on reducing acute admissions


    A simple tool can do much to help cut emergency hospitalisations. David Lyon and Hannah Chellaswamy explain

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Training school nurses in mental health


    The Health Foundation is funding a project showing school nurses how to recognise and manage mental health problems in young people

  • News

    Patchy progress for endoscopy services


    Long waits for endoscopies have been eliminated in many parts of the country but some areas are still experiencing long delays, according to a report by the Healthcare Commission.In the South East half of all patients had been waiting more than 26 weeks for the procedure, while less than 0.2 ...