All Acute care articles – Page 447

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    Lord Crisp heads bid to tackle health worker shortage


    A World Health Organisation international task force co-chaired by former NHS chief executive Lord Crisp met for the first time today to tackle the global shortage of health workers.The shortfall of workers worldwide is around 4.3 million in 57 countries, including 1 million in 36 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Initial ...

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    Healthcheck consultation launched


    The Healthcare Commission is to consult on plans to drive a culture of safety through the NHS, using its annual assessments of NHS organisations to monitor rates of healthcare-acquired infection and compliance with the hygiene code.The proposals also include a stronger focus on clinical effectiveness and commissioning.Find out more here

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    Tristan Reuser on clinical engagement


    The re-engineering of health systems requires traditional barriers between primary and secondary care to come down, writes Tristan Reuser

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    Commission to look at learning disabilities accusations


    The Healthcare Commission has said it will review six cases highlighted by learning disability charity Mencap of people with learning disabilities who died from physical illnesses.Mencap has accused the NHS of institutional discrimination against people with learning disabilities, saying their physical health needs are ignored.Meanwhile the Department of Health has ...

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    Northern Ireland infection rates published


    More than 5 per cent of patients in Northern Ireland hospitals have a healthcare-acquired affection, a survey by the Department of Health, Social Services, and Public Safety has found.1.1 per cent of patients at 15 acute hospitals surveyed had Clostridium Difficile and 0.9 per cent had contracted

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    Nurses encouraged to complain over pay


    Nurses have been encouraged to write to their MPs to complain about this year's pay settlement.The Royal College of Nursing is urging its members to point out to their MP that this year's pay deal will mean an effective pay cut for nurses, when the rate of inflation is taken ...

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    Renal overhaul needed, say physicians


    Major changes are needed in the way hospitals organise care for kidney patients, say the Royal College of Physicians and the Renal Association in a report launched to mark World Kidney Day. It calls for the creation of two types of unit - renal units at district general hospitals and ...

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    Emma Dent


    Bring back cotton hankies. In addition to having an increasingly sore nose, a grumpier than usual disposition and failing taste buds, I am also fighting the urge to be consumed with guilt.

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    Restoring confidence requires an end to financial fudges


    .'With the NHS moving .towards a more transparent. market, top-down decisions. on the distribution of funds. must not become the norm.'.

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    London centre set for foundation status bid


    Two London NHS trusts have agreed to set up a new academic health science centre that will bid to become a foundation trust. Hammersmith Hospitals and St Mary's trust boards formally agreed to the plan to set up the new academic health science centre that will bring together hospitals, medical ...

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    Commissioner demands a better deal for children


    Children's hospital services are woefully inadequate, a Healthcare Commission review has shown. Children's commissioner Al Aynsley-Green said was the verdict was 'disappointing but not surprising'.

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    IPPR: honesty over unsafe hospitals is the best policy


    A 'conspiracy of silence' over the poor safety of hospitals is fuelling opposition to reconfigurations, the Institute for Public Policy Research has warned.

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    Look to the long term for 2020 vision on climate change


    With front-page headlines this week warning that the UK's policies on climate change are set to achieve their 2020 milestone 30 years too late, the scale of the environmental challenge ahead becomes yet more daunting.

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    Global health strategy proposals launched


    The need for a global health strategy in order to protect the health of the UK was outlined in a report by chief medical officer Professor Sir Liam Donaldson.The CMO made the case for concerted action on global health and for developing a strategy that will benefit the health of ...

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    Government to review Modernising Medical Careers


    The Department of Health has announced a review into round one of Modernising Medical Careers recruitment and selection into specialist training, made through the medical training and application service. The move follows discussions with the medical Royal Colleges and the British Medical AssociationThe DoH said: 'It is clear that there ...

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    Trusts warned over property maintenance


    The Health and Safety Executive has warned the NHS to maintain its properties effectively. It follows a successful action brought by the organisation against South West London and St George's Mental Health trust after a man fell at Springfield University Hospital and subsequently died.The trust was fined £7,500 and asked ...

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    Audiology waits 'unacceptable' says minister


    Patients face 'unacceptably long waits' for audiology services, according to care services minister Ivan Lewis in his foreword to today's Improving Access to Audiology Services in England national framework.He calls for a 'radical reduction' in waiting so that the most complex cases are treated within the end-of-2008 18-week target, and ...

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    Wales takes delivery of new ambulances


    The first of 119 new ambulances, 67 patient transport services vehicles and 40 rapid response vehicles were due to be delivered today to the Welsh Ambulance Service trust.Two-thirds of the ambulances will be operational this month with the remainder by mid-May. The new fleet is the result of a £16m ...

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    No evidence for oxygen therapy


    Insufficient clinical evidence exists to justify using oxygen therapy for heart attack patients, a medical expert has claimed. Professor Richard Beasley of the Medical Research Institute in New Zealand says in the latest edition of the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine that clinical dogma should be challenged on ...

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    NHS to become unaffordable, says think tank


    The cost of technological advances in healthcare will make the NHS increasingly unaffordable, the think tank Reform says in a report today. It says that diseases like cancer will become much more manageable and will not necessarily be fatal, increasing