All Acute care articles – Page 449

  • News

    Gender equality guidance published


    The Department of Health and NHS Employers have published best practice guidance on how NHS organisations can develop a gender equality scheme.Trusts will need to comply with a new gender equality duty in April that requires public sector organisations as employers and service providers to show they treat men and ...

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    Massive rise in infection-related deaths


    Mentions of Clostridium difficile on death certificates in England and Wales rose by 69 per cent between 2004 and 2005, to 3,807, according to the Office for National Statistics.The rate for deaths involving C diff in males increased from 23 to 38 per million population in 2005. In females the ...

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    King's Fund identifies key NHS challenges


    The NHS needs to overcome five key challenges to create a viable, long-term future when lower growth in funding kicks in from 2008, according to the King's Fund.Its report, Funding Healthcare: 2008 and beyond, says the government must take action to reduce variation in performance and clinical practice in the ...

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    Poll finds low awareness of choice options


    Public awareness of the ability to choose a hospital for a referral remains relatively low, although more patients say they are being offered choice and four in five of those are happy with the process, according to a poll by Ipsos MORI.The results of the September 2006 national patient choice ...

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    Partnership agreement for joint working agreed


    The government, NHS Employers and unions have signed a partnership agreement to show their collective commitment to joint working.The Department of Health said the new agreement would provide a 'springboard' to promote effective partnership on the workforce implications of policy.Find out more here

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    Institute launches new No Delays Achiever


    The NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement has launched an improved second version of its No Delays Achiever, a web-based tool created to help NHS organisations achieve the 18-week target for GP referral to first treatment.More than 140 NHS organisations are registered as users of the free service, which was ...

  • Comment

    Top thinkers hail power of imagination


    If clinicians are the likely generators of the ideas that will transform NHS performance, managers need the confidence to create the space for them to blossom. Our main feature this week looks at a group of very different ideas with the potential to make a huge difference locally and nationally.

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    Monitor criticised for data demand


    The foundation trust regulator Monitor must not seek to 'enhance' its regulatory role, Foundation Trust Network director Sue Slipman has warned.

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    Conservatives hit out over London deficit


    Conservatives in the London Assembly have said the extent of the continuing crisis in the NHS has been revealed by the latest financial figures.They point to new figures from the Department of Health, which show that the NHS in London is still heading for an overall end-of-year deficit of £125m.Find ...

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    Hewitt confirms orthopaedic 'free choice'


    Patients waiting for orthopaedic operations will be able to choose to have their operation at any acute trust, foundation trust, or independent sector provider in the next few months.

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    Historic changes to pharmacy profession


    The chief pharmaceutical officers from England, Scotland, and Wales have revealed plans for historic changes to the regulation of the pharmacy profession.The measures, which form part of the white paper on professional regulation, will see the formation of two separate bodies to oversee pharmacy. One organisation will act as a ...

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    Breaking even must not mean trusts losing focus on money


    The NHS should manage to hit its forecast position of a small surplus at the end of this year, according to this week's Department of Health figures. Not that it will be thanked or even believed. Within a few hours of the report being released on Tuesday, the protests began ...

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    College bids for outcomes audit deal


    The Royal College of Surgeons could soon be running a national audit of clinical outcomes, comparing NHS trusts, independent treatment centres and other private sector providers for the first time.

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    Ex-minister to head London agency


    The former minister who piloted the creation of foundation trusts through Parliament is to run a new NHS body in London designed to encourage more provision by foundation trusts in the capital.

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    Pennine Acute trust appoints new chief executive


    Pennine Acute Hospitals trust has appointed John Saxby as its new chief executive.Mr Saxby joins the trust from County Durham and Darlington Acute Hospitals trust where he is currently chief executive.

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    NHS set for £13m net surplus despite rising levels of debt


    The NHS is predicted to make a £13m surplus this financial year, according to the latest Department of Health forecasts.

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    Government tests human influenza plan


    The Government's response to a human flu pandemic was tested on Monday and Tuesday.The exercise fully tested the UK's ability to manage the effects of an influenza pandemic by playing out the decision-making process at national, regional and local levels.Read the press release here

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    DoH to publish professional regulation white paper


    The Government will today publish the professional regulation white paper Trust, Assurance and Safety - the regulation of health professionals in the 21st Century. It is set to herald a major shake-up in the way doctors are regulated in the UK.The Department of Health is acting after chief medical officer ...

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    New chair for Nursing and Midwifery Council


    The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), the regulatory body for UK nurses and midwives, has selected the chair of its new appointments board.NMC council member Brenda Maitland will head the board, which will be responsible for recruitment, appraisal and training.Read the press release here

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    New Deal for Carers launched


    The government is to unveil its New Deal for Carers, which will see £33m used for measures to help people who care for elderly or disabled relatives.Most of the money, £25m, will go to local authorities to fund emergency respite care for people who need a break from the demands ...