All Acute care articles – Page 451

  • News

    Demand management at odds with choose and book


    Bedford Hospital is rejecting GP referrals not made through choose and book in an attempt to manage demand for its services, according to local GP representatives.The trust's decision mirrors that of Milton Keynes primary care trust, which recently told GPs that all referrals to Milton Keynes General Hospital must be ...

  • News

    Inquiry into electronic patient record launched


    The Commons health select committee is to hold an inquiry into the electronic patient record, looking at what patient information will be held on the systems, who will have access to it and whether patient confidentiality can be protected.Organisations and individuals are invited to submit written evidence.Find out more here

  • News

    Dr Foster Intelligence not value for money, says report


    The National Audit Office has found that the Department of Health and the Information Centre for health and social care could not demonstrate they had achieved value for money in setting up healthcare information analysts Dr Foster Intelligence - because the venture was not put out to tender to ensure ...

  • News

    Changes proposed for children's and maternity services


    National director for children, young people and maternity services Dr Sheila Shribman has published reports setting out proposed changes to children's and maternity services.The reports Making it Better for Children and Young people - clinical case for changeand ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Kate Silvester on waste and value


    Do work that adds value, cut out the rest, and you will save time and money as well as providing a better service.

  • Comment

    Hilary Thomas on reconfiguration and supercasinos


    So far this year I've enjoyed a strange mixture of speaking to the public about the case for change; getting involved in what I might loosely term 'people processes' - all of which has been a rich source of learning; and finding myself in a new-found role of professional patient.

  • Comment

    Hilary Thomas on reconfiguration and supercasinos


    2007 is promising to be a good year. I'm an optimist - it has to be!

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ruth Eley on why reconfiguration must work for older people


    Older people are the biggest users of the health service. With services being reconfigured, their need for participation and independence must not be forgotten.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Clinicians under the spotlight


    Tackling performance problems is rarely easy, but there is experienced support to call on. Dr Rosemary Field explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The real impact of shifting care from hospitals to the community


    CSIP was asked to evaluate the shift of resources from inpatient wards at Folkestone to a comprehensive range of health and social care services provided in the community.

  • News

    GP czar calls for family doctors to do hospital roles


    GP czar Dr David Colin-Thome has made a clinical case for widening the role of GPs to include roles traditionally found in hospitals.In a report to health secretary Patricia Hewitt he says family doctors could carry out more minor operations, take responsibility for the six-week post surgery follow up and ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: patient choice and the model contract


    Under the new NHS operating framework, there will be greater competition, and far more choice for patients

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Book now for Good Management Live


    Following the success of Good Management Live 2006, HSJ is pleased to hold a second series of GM Live events in association with the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, and sponsored by the Integrated Service Improvement Programme and Connecting for Health.

  • News

    BMA: better preparation on cultural differences needed


    UK doctors and nurses who work in developing countries would benefit from better preparation on the cultural challenges faced, a report by the British Medical Association has found.Medics surveyed for the report said shortages of resources meant health problems often led to health problems not being addressed.

  • Comment

    Angela Coulter on the national patients survey


    'Access to GPs has dramatically improved!' claims the government. 'Nonsense, it's got worse!' yells the Daily Express.

  • News

    Alternative therapy scheme launched


    The NHS in Northern Ireland has launched a pilot scheme in which patients can receive complementary and alternative therapies as part of their treatment.The pilot will initially focus on musculoskeletal problems and depression, anxiety and stress.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    How Louth looks after older patients with mental health needs


    Louth County Hospital's in-reach team combines mental and physical healthcare for older patients, to reduce pressure on hospital beds and promote independence.

  • News

    Get involved in bid for skills academy, employers urged


    The Learning and Skills Council has urged employers to put forward expressions of interest in developing a national skills academy for their industry.The government plans to have 12 such academies up and running across England by 2008.Read the prospectus here

  • News

    Committee hears public involvement concerns


    The chief executive of the NHS Centre for Involvement has told the Commons health select committee that current arrangement for public involvement in NHS decision-making are not working well.Dr Jonathan Tritter told yesterday's hearing of the committee that he hoped the proposed local involvement networks would be more successful.

  • News

    BMA in urgent care warning


    Doctors are being edged out of urgent care in favour of non-medically qualified staff, the BMA has warned.Responding to the Department of Health's Direction of travel of urgent careconsultation, the BMA said it was concerned that primary care trusts were re-shaping urgent care around ...