All Acute care articles – Page 453

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New improved information catalogue


    An improved information catalogue, with enhanced search facilities, has been launched

  • News

    Spotlight on lung cancer care


    A report gives detailed information on 25,000 people in England and Wales with lung cancer

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: foundations' investment and borrowing


    Payment by results, patient choice, the cost of private finance initiatives and the expanding role of the private sector - foundation trusts are not short of challenges.

  • News

    Roger Noon on six immediate steps to better change management


    I don't envy the leaders of PCTs. Following the recent rationalisation programme, they are under more pressure than ever to deliver improvements in healthcare within tight budgets and aggressive timescales. This against a backdrop of continuous political, policy, regulatory and clinical change.

  • News

    Winterton announces end-of-life strategy board


    Health minister Rosie Winterton has announced a 27-strong advisory board to support the development of the end-of-life care strategy.The board is chaired by national cancer director professor Mike Richards and includes chief executives of leading charities, senior clinicians and NHS and social care managers.Working groups will include: measuring the quality ...

  • News

    Cancer charity hails landmark children's ruling


    Cancer Research UK has welcomed a new European law for any new medicine licensed in Europe to be explored for its potential use in children.This is the first time specific EU legislation has been passed to regulate pharmaceutical research involving children.Read the press release here

  • News

    BMA slams student resource cuts


    The British Medical Association has criticised a decision by the Department of Health to remove funding which enables medical students to have a free copy of the British National Formulary.In a letter to the Department of Health, BMA medical students' committee chair Emily Rigby ...

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    Watchdog appoints three new commissioners


    The Healthcare Commission today welcomes Professor Deirdre Kelly, Clare Dodgson, and Clifford Prior as commissioners.The trio will join the twelve current commissioners tasked with driving quality in healthcare and public health. Read the press release here

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    DoH: reforms cutting unnecessary appointments


    The Department of Health says GPs are sending fewer patients to hospital for unnecessary appointments following government reforms to give practices a greater say in procurement and provision of services.Evidence from early practice-based commissioning adopters shows that practices have cut patient referrals for hospital treatment by between 25 and 33 ...

  • News

    NHS to recover up to £150m costs


    New rules allowing the NHS to claim back money for treating people who have been paid personal injury compensation could see more than £150m being put back into patient care, health minister Andy Burnham announced today.The NHS injury costs recovery scheme means trusts will be able to recover costs from ...

  • Comment

    NHS independence: removing politicians will leave a hole that must be filled


    Would an 'independent' NHS create a worse provider monopoly than British Leyland or set it lose from the targetitis of Whitehall? Who would hold the reins of scrutiny - regulators, Parliament or local councils? Where are the models - the BBC, Scandinavia, Oregon or New Zealand? Is independence even a ...

  • News

    Leeds trust names new chief


    Maggie Boyle has been appointed chief executive of Leeds Teaching Hospitals trust.'Ms Boyle has been appointed for her skills, past experience and demonstrable track record of success in other similar organisations,' said trust chair Martin Buckley.Ms Boyle is currently chief executive of Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals trust. From ...

  • News

    Conservatives call for in-house laundries to fight infection


    Trusts should be obliged to provide changing and laundry facilities as part of the war on infection control, the Conservatives have said.

  • News

    New website to give NHS patients more power


    The Department of Health has announced the launch of a new website that will bring together information on all hospitals and treatment centres.The Choice website will allow members of the public and clinicians to access a range of information through one super site that will act as a one-stop gateway ...

  • News

    Hewitt insists choose and book is on track


    Health secretary Patricia Hewitt has attacked the 'myth' that the choose and book programme to boost patient choice in the NHS is not working properly.Taking questions from the audience at health seminar hosted by the Social Market Foundation, she was challenged over claims that not all patients were being given ...

  • News

    Select committee announces witnesses for patient and public involvement inquiry


    The Commons health select committee has announced the witnesses for its first hearing on patient and public involvement in the NHS. The first evidence session will be held on 1 February.The committee will be hearing evidence from Department of Health national director for patients and the public Harry Cayton, National ...

  • News

    New training to reduce violence against ambulance staff


    The NHS Security Management Service (SMS) has launched a new set of standards to ensure high quality training for ambulance workers for prevention of violence.SMS head of security management Richard Hampton said: 'Ambulance staff are at the forefront of NHS care and face particular risks that this training is designed ...

  • News

    Local government white paper plan launched


    The Department for Communities and Local Government has published the implementation plan for the local government white paper.The plan covers five workstreams including one on public involvement in health, which includes details on the expansion of overview and scrutiny committees.Read the plan here

  • News

    Drinking levels lower in London than rest of country


    Londoners are less likely to drink alcohol than the rest of the country according to a new report, London, the Highs and Lows 2, launched by mayor Ken Livingstone.Young Londoners are also less likely to use drugs than young people in other parts of ...

  • News

    Lib Dems condemn 'depressingly familiar' Tory policies


    Liberal Democrat health spokesperson Norman Lamb has called the findings of the Conservative policy commission on the NHS 'depressingly familiar' and claimed that giving GPs total control of their budgets would lead to greater health inequalities.He said: 'There can be no doubt that GPs are the backbone of the primary ...