All Acute care articles – Page 454

  • News

    Select committee to hear evidence on workforce planning


    The Commons health select committee will be holding its final session on workforce planning on 25 January.The committee will be hearing from new minister Lord Hunt and Department of Health deputy director of workforce Nic Greenfield.Click here for more information

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Information stations


    Tom Morgan and Nick Coyle on how valuable data from QOF results can help compare GP performance and improve patient care

  • News

    Ethnic health inequalities examined


    Poverty is the main factor driving the worse health experienced by black and minority ethnic groups, says the Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology today. A review of the evidence looks at the causes and patterns of health inequalities and offers policy options.Download the review from 4.30pm today

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Early-bird solutions


    Sheffield Teaching Hospitals foundation trust is saving time, money and lives with its early cancer reception service

  • News

    Conservatives launch health policy


    GPs should be given control of health service budgets, Conservative leader David Cameron and shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley will say today as they set out their vision for an NHS with fewer targets and a stronger focus on health outcomes.Details of the policy will appear on the Conservative Party ...

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    Clive Savory on Gerry Robinson and NHS fixes


    Sir Gerry Robinson's bid to 'save the NHS' sparked much debate. But is outside help really a prerequisite for progress? Clive Savory investigates

  • News

    BMA slams private treatment centres


    Plans for privately run clinical assessment, treat and support (CATS) centres in England could jeopardise NHS finances, threaten medical posts, and create potential conflicts of interest, the British Medical Association says today. The warning comes in response to consultation on plans for up to 10 CATS centres in Cumbria and ...

  • News

    LINks bill gets second reading


    The government bill to abolish patients' forums and replace them with local involvement networks (LINks) gets its second reading in parliament today. The Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Bill also seeks to introduce 'community petitions' that can trigger service reviews.Download the bill

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    UK transplant register tops 14 million


    Nearly one in four of the UK population is now signed up to the NHS Organ Donor Register, new figures reveal. Over 1 million signed up in the last year, taking the total to 14 million people.Read more here

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    NHS Partners Network respond to commission report


    I read with concern your article of January 18 reporting on the leaked Healthcare Commission draft report into data on clinical quality of independent sector treatment centres (ISTCs).

  • News

    Labour MP slams workforce planning


    Labour MP and health select committee member Dr Howard Stoate has criticised a 'boom and bust' culture in NHS workforce planning and argued against local planning.Speaking at a committee hearing yesterday, he said a lack of centralised workforce planning meant the NHS was 'chasing its tail'.

  • News

    Consultation on disabled facilities grants


    The government has published a consultation document on its proposals to improve the disabled facilities grant programme.The report is a response to the findings and recommendations of the independent Bristol University report on the programme in 2005. The consultation period closes on 13 April.Read the document here

  • News

    DoH publishes travel expenses consultation


    The Department of Health has published consultation on the hospital travel costs scheme, which allows those on low incomes to claim travel expenses.The document looks at how the scheme can be changed to reflect a shift in care closer to home.Read the consultation here

  • News

    Pension guidance released


    The Department of Health has produced a guide for staff leaving NHS employment but wishing to continue their membership of the NHS pension scheme.The guidance also sets out advice about employer responsibilities for pension provision where staff have to leave the scheme.Read the guide here

  • News

    Gerry Robinson and the NHS


    Management guru Sir Gerry Robinson's televised stint at Rotherham foundation trust to reduce waiting lists might have worked better in a trust that has not already achieved so much to place it on a more business-like footing.

  • Comment

    Independent sector falls down on data


    A level playing field is the holy grail of trust managers who see themselves as competing with the private sector for clinical work. Key to that is confidence that patients and their GPs will be able to make informed choices about where they should go for treatment.

  • News

    Trusts prepare for hard sell to earn picky patients' custom


    DoH guidelines have opened the door for hospitals to use commercial advertising techniques. Is this necessary for healthy competition or a green light for unseemly publicity battles? Kaye McIntosh hears some early pledges of fair play

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Cross the divide and rule


    Chief executives have switched between primary care and acute trusts. Jenifer Taylor examines how the roles and the demands differ, looks at the reasons behind the moves and discusses with three top managers their plans

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Solid data bears comparison


    Hospital discharge planning decisions need hard facts to back them up, as Mathew Mackenzie and Marion Scholes explain

  • News

    Doctors call for more allergy specialists


    There is a need for more allergy specialists and better training for health professionals, a delegation of doctors from the medical royal colleges has told the Lords' science and technology committee.The committee is overseeing an ongoing investigation into allergy and allergic diseases.Find out more here