All Acute care articles – Page 456

  • News

    PM's delivery unit to report on MRSA


    The prime minister's delivery unit is due to report this month on what more could be done to deliver the 2008 MRSA target.

  • News

    DoH considered fines for MRSA failures


    The Department of Health considered imposing financial penalties on trusts which fail to meet MRSA targets, the leaked memo reveals.

  • News

    Proper workforce planning needed, says BMA chair


    British Medical Association chair James Johnson has called on the government to reinstate proper workforce planning - or risk wasting millions of pounds of public money.Speaking at the BMA's 'State of the NHS' briefing, Mr Johnson said: 'In 2008 the year-on-year significant rise in additional NHS resources will fall back ...

  • News

    Government to 'galvanise action' on MRSA


    The Department of Health has vowed to 'galvanise action' to ensure the NHS can meet its 2008 MRSA target.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Quicker diagnosis makes good timing


    Strides towards the 18-week patient pathway have been made in Blackpool, where a trust slashed diagnostic waits. Varya Shaw reports

  • News

    Live and direct: cutting waiting times


    HSJ's Sutton Coldfield GM Live event proved an excellent platform for sharing successful service redesign strategies

  • News

    Combined predictive model launched


    The Department of Health has released a computer algorithm that allows clinicians and managers to identify patients most at risk of unplanned and unnecessary hospital admission. Developed with the King's Fund and other partners, the tool underpinned work at Croydon primary care trust which swept the board at the ...

  • Comment

    Chris Rudge on why the NHS needs to raise its game on transplants


    'The NHS is spending nearly £190m a year on dialysis for the 6,278 patients waiting for a kidney transplant. If every one of these patients currently had a functioning transplant, the annual saving would be £160m'

  • News

    Legal briefing: the hidden implications of face transplants


    With the stage set for the world's first full facial transplant, Ben Troke examines some of the complex legal and ethical issues that surround the procedure

  • News

    Gateshead Health foundation trust: safety check on blood


    Mismatching blood in transfusion operations can be deadly. So when a national audit revealed some worrying gaps in safety measures, Gateshead Health foundation trust was quick to respond

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Helen Bevan on transformational learning


    Every so often, I come across research or evidence that gives me profound insight into why things happen the way they do. I experienced just such an epiphany in December, when I led a workshop on transformational learning at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement Forum, the largest healthcare improvement gathering ...

  • News

    Reconfiguration could save £1bn a year


    Patients who stay in hospital longer than necessary are using 13,000 extra NHS beds every year, a report from the Institute for Public Policy Research has said. This could be slashed by providing specialist services in fewer places and transferring more care outside hospitals.Download the full report here

  • News

    Inpatient waiting times fall


    The number of patients waiting more than 13 weeks for inpatient treatment in England fell by 22,500 from October to November 2006. Latest waiting time figures published by the Department of Health show that the median waiting time at the end of November was 6.9 weeks, with just 212 people ...

  • News

    Breast cancer drug Herceptin 'prolongs life'


    Researchers from the Royal Marsden Hospital in London have confirmed that giving Herceptin to women with certain types of breast cancer does prolong their lives. The study, published in The Lancet, followed women for two years after treatment and found a 2.7 per cent ...

  • News

    Heart disease deaths down 35 per cent


    Investment and reform in services to tackle coronary heart disease is saving lives, says a progress report on implementing the national service framework for CHD today. Shaping the Futuresays premature deaths from CHD are down 35.9 per cent since 1996, on course to meet ...

  • News

    £100m to help increase NHS energy efficiency


    Health minister Andy Burnham has announced £100m funding to help NHS trusts meet their energy efficiency targets. Seven out of 10 are already on track, he said, but more should be done to reduce carbon emissions and deliver savings that will be ploughed back into patient care.For more information click ...

  • News

    New grade: BMA backlash expected


    Government proposals to reduce a glut of over 3,000 consultants by creating a sub-consultant grade will be 'bitterly opposed' by the British Medical Association, the draft workforce strategy warns.

  • News

    DoH plans mark rewriting of relationship with professions


    If one image of the dole queue helped finish off Labour in 1979, just imagine what might happen if the jobless wore white coats. The prospect of making large numbers of consultant posts redundant is one rarely articulated in public. That changes this week with HSJrevealing ...

  • News

    Plans for consultants 'absurd', says BMA


    British Medical Association consultants committee chair Dr Jonathan Fielden has criticised the Department of Health’s draft pay and workforce documents, revealed in HSJtoday. He said: ‘It is absurd to suggest that the NHS in England needs fewer hospital consultants. ‘To suggest that there should be fewer consultants, and of a ...

  • News

    High take-up for optician training


    More than 90 per cent of opticians met the requirement for continuing education and training (CET) by the 31 December 2006 deadline.Final figures for the first cycle released by the General Optical Council show that 95 per cent of optometrists, 89 per cent of dispensing opticians and 86 per cent ...