All Acute care articles – Page 461

  • News

    Patient top-up fees on rise, say doctors


    Patients are increasingly having to pay top-up fees for private care because of budget cuts in the NHS and long waiting times, according to a report by pressure group Doctors for Reform.

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    Thousands of junior doctors start new jobs


    Hospitals were yesterday faced with thousands of junior doctors starting new jobs at the same time.

  • Comment

    Wanted: doctors to help redesign services


    The need for more doctors to take on a management role has almost become a mantra, yet progress has been painfully slow. Penny Dash and Pam Garside examine the challenges and opportunities

  • Comment

    Media Watch: junior doctors


    'How could they be so stupid?' asked the Daily Mail as it berated the government for failing to ensure junior doctors will be guaranteed jobs this summer in the Department of Health's new recruitment process.

  • News

    A different kind of revolution


    Northern Ireland's streamlining of its public sector promised to be a less brutal process than England's. But some big holes in performance measurement brought challenges of its own, writes Daloni Carlisle

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    Stroke patients 'die needlessly', says report


    Stroke patients in England 'die needlessly or suffer more serious disability than they should' because they continue to be denied fast access to brain scans and clot-busting drugs, according to a report published by the Commons public accounts committee.

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    DoH publishes diagnostic test figures


    The Department of Health has for the first time published waiting-time figures for all diagnostic tests for every acute trust.

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    Think tank slams 'dysfunctional' DGH reforms


    The government has been criticised for its dysfunctional handling of hospital reconfiguration in a report by the Institute for Public Policy Research this week.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    International development: 'Go and tell people what it's like here'


    In the midst of grinding poverty, Malawi's tiny nursing workforce is fighting to meet the country's healthcare needs. Emma Dent reports

  • News

    Proposals recommend new role for trusts in detecting rogue doctors


    A major shake-up of the regulation of the medical profession, the first in 150 years, could see large acute and primary care trusts become affiliate outposts of the General Medical Council.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Design for living


    The targets may have been narrowly missed, but meticulous planning of care pathways and a focus on sustainability are driving radical improvements to cancer treatment. And Daloni Carlisle says there's more to come

  • News

    Foundation governance definitely not kids' stuff


    Monitor has stepped in to prevent a foundation trust appointing children as governors.

  • Comment

    In defence of e-patient records


    It hasn't been often over the last few years that I have found myself agreeing with ITRichard Granger (News, 3 May) but here here!

  • Comment

    HSJ debate: So you want to be a director?


    HSJ 'Managers make a difference' Campaign: Whether it's the art of fostering effective relationships with clinicians, non-executives and politicians or demonstrating empathy with staff, what does the next generation of high-quality managers need? HSJ brought together six chief executives to provide some answers

  • News

    Simon Stevens on the great pbc debate


    PBC is desirable but sadly not workable as a universal mechanism. It wasn't in the 1990s, and it isn't now

  • News

    Global fall in measles deaths


    Deaths from measles have fallen by 60 per cent worldwide since 1999, according to the World Health Organisation.The fall in deaths from 873,000 in 1999 to 345,000 in 2005 beats the United Nations goal to halve measles-related mortality rates and is largely thanks to a 75 per cent decline in ...

  • News

    Nuffield pulls out of theatres deal


    The second wave of the Department of Health's independent sector treatment centre programme has been dealt a further blow, with Nuffield Hospitals pulling out of negotiations to provide mobile operating theatres across the West Midlands.

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    New rules for providers on data


    Providers will be contractually obliged to provide information to help commissioners decide whether they should continue to buy services from them.

  • Comment

    How doctors learned to stop worrying and love data


    The NHS has never lacked information, but, says Dr Foster Intelligence's Tim Kelsey, only now are managers and clinicians harnessing its power to change services. Public access is the next big challenge

  • News

    OSC objects to surgery cut


    A hospital trust has been criticised for announcing that it will withdraw emergency general surgery from one of its sites without consultation.