All Acute care articles – Page 468

  • News

    East Sussex A&E proposals criticised by local MPs


    Trust considers alternating emergency care service between hospitals

  • News

    Scottish government reverses A&E closures


    Two Scottish health boards have been given until the end of the year to come up with revised proposals after the new Scottish National Party government overturned decisions to close accident and emergency departments.

  • Comment

    Data briefing: the truth behind the A&E target


    A recent analysis from Les Mayhew and David Smith at City University's Cass Business School has suggested some theoretical reasons - backed by data - why achievement of the accident and emergency maximum four-hour wait by 98 per cent of hospitals was probably not all it seemed.

  • News

    NHS and politics inseparable, says PM adviser


    An NHS independent of politics and politicians is 'a chimera' and risks undermining its tax-funded base, Professor Paul Corrigan, health adviser to the prime minister, told a King's Fund debate last week.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Sheffield makes advance in endoscopic practice


    In many cases patients with suspected early stage bowel cancer face the prospect of major surgery, intensive care and considerable changes to their lifestyle.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Data briefing: cutting emergency admissions


    Recent data briefings have presented trends in emergency admission rates per strategic health authority and the national picture remains very variable. This data briefing presents a case study from one trust and its experience of the practical issues in reducing such rates.

  • News

    Variation in A&E admissions


    Across England the rise in emergency admissions to hospital shows no sign of abating. Alongside it, bed days also continue to rise. The year-on-year rise in emergency admissions in the first quarter of 2006 was 7 per cent, while the corresponding rise in bed days was 5.9 per cent.

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    What's driving the admissions rise


    In last week's Data Briefing I raised some issues about the increase in emergency admissions to acute hospitals over the last five years. The increase has primarily been in accident and emergency, and there has been a dramatic increase in the number of patients turned around on the day. While ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Admissions: cutting excess bed days


    Avoiding hospital admissions and reducing stays are ongoing priorities for primary care and acute trusts.

  • News

    Trusts' admin bills on the rise, says report


    Administrative bills at acute and primary care trusts have risen by £90,000-£190,000 each due to running payment by results, according to a government-commissioned report.

  • News

    Legal briefing: how penalties will work under the new model contract for acute trusts


    The Department of Health has recently published two forms of model contract for the provision of acute hospital services, both within and outside the scope of the national tariff. The models are in legally and non-legally binding form for use by foundation trusts, hospital Trusts and PCT commissioners. We would ...

  • News

    Datamonitor: steady progress for acute productivity


    The NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement has published the Q3 2006-07 Better Care, Better Value indicators. As the indicators have been published for the first time on the basis of the 152 new primary care trusts (previous quarters reported on the 303 PCTs that existed until Q2 end) the ...

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    Increased activity may put bright future at risk


    While health service investment has soared, the pressure on organisations to secure financial control may be driving down productivity. Peter Smith unravels the paradox

  • News

    Staff asked to stay at home as Scarborough accounts come under investigation


    Scarborough and North Yorkshire Healthcare trust chief executive Alison Guy and director of finance Bernard Flynn have been asked to stay at home while the trust board and the local strategic health authority scrutinise accounting procedures.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: treatment abroad


    The large numbers of patients heading overseas to avoid NHS waiting lists, or to access cheap private treatment, are well documented.

  • News

    Watts case sparks new advice for treatments abroad


    Commissioners have been urged to set up systems for considering patient requests to go abroad for treatment which is provided in UK hospitals.

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    Safety probe at 999 trust


    Staffordshire Ambulance Service trust has landed in controversy again with an investigation launched into possible patient safety breaches.

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    Welsh 999 boss hails progress


    Welsh Ambulance Services trust chief executive Alan Murray has defended his trust against official figures showing it is missing response targets. He claims the service is exceeding its target of 60 per cent of services meeting life-threatening calls in eight minutes.

  • News

    Scarborough to axe 600 jobs in bid for foundation status


    An NHS trust is axing a third of its workforce in a bid to avoid having its finances scrutinised by the health secretary.

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    60 acute and mental health trusts 'won't make foundations'


    About 60 acute and mental health trusts will not reach foundation status by December 2008 and are likely to be closed, taken over or reconfigured, a senior Department of Health official has predicted.