All Acute care articles – Page 469

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    Barometer acute trusts March 2007


    There was a late surge in confidence at the end of February about reaching financial break-even or surplus, according to the latest Barometer survey of acute trust chief executives.

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    Barometer: PCTs April 2007


    Primary care trust chief executives expect continuing wrangles over negotiating contracts with acute trusts, according to the latest Barometer survey.

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    Barometer: Public Health April 2007


    While confidence in sexual health services has continued its rise in the latest Barometer survey of public health directors, the most significant increase for April is public health funding for 2007-08, with the overall number up from 3.85 to 4.85 out of 10.

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    Barometer: acute trusts jan 2007


    Confidence in achieving the 18-week target was high among our panel of acute trust chief executives, with the average figure rising from 6.2 to 6.72 since October 2006.

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    HSJ Barometer: acute trusts October 2006


    Confidence has leapt up in our acute trust chief executives about the chances of achieving financial break-even this year - the score out of 10 rose from 5.78 to 6.80.

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    Barometer: acute trusts May 2006


    The latest HSJ Barometer survey of acute trust chief executives showed significant recovery in confidence, with only two indicators displaying statistically relevant falls.

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    Foundation concern over £28m in unpaid bills


    Nine foundation trusts have 'significant concerns' over whether outstanding bills will be paid by primary care trusts. The trusts are warning that £28m might have to be written off.

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    Monitor hails £75m surplus at foundation trusts


    The strong financial performance of foundation trusts last year proved the merits of giving successful trusts greater autonomy, Monitor chair Bill Moyes has claimed.

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    Fight against superbugs given £50m boost


    Patient safety representatives have praised the new health secretary's commitment to tackling hospital-acquired infections.

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    Trusts face 15 public productivity rankings


    All acute and primary care trusts are to have their performance publicly ranked against 15 efficiency indicators from this summer.

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    Foundation trusts generate £130m surplus


    Foundation trusts generated a £130m net surplus for the last financial year although three were shown to be in deficit, according to figures released yesterday.

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    DoH agrees £10m 'top-up' for children's hospitals


    The Department of Health has agreed to bail out three children's hospitals to the tune of £10m after the trusts claimed that the specialist payment by results tariff was 'inaccurate'.

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    With European law and the emphasis on work-life balance already shaking things up, what does the future hold for medical education? Three experts predict the shape of things to come

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    'My local supermarket does not call me an inappropriate shopper - ever'

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    Trust offers 6,000 staff voluntary redundancy


    Wage slips received last week by almost 6,000 staff at County Durham and Darlington foundation trust also included a letter offering them voluntary severance deals.

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    Independent providers opened up to public scrutiny


    The Healthcare Commission has launched a new web service that provides patients and the public with information about performance in independent acute hospitals, mental health units and independent sector treatment centres.Healthcare Commission chief executive Anna Walker, said: 'We want to make sure that patients have access to information about the ...

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    New applicants for foundation trust status


    The Department of Health has named the 17 trusts that will be passed to foundation trust regulator Monitor for authorisation.The eight acute and specialist trusts and nine mental health trusts are set to receive authorisation from April.Health minister Lord Warner said: 'Today's announcement is another important step towards delivering the ...

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    Liberal Democrats announce changes to shadow cabinet


    Norman Lamb has taken over as Liberal Democrat health spokesman. He replaces Steve Webb, who has become chair of the party's election manifesto team.Mr Lamb has been chief of staff to Lib Dem leader Sir Menzies Campbell since March. He said: 'I'm thrilled at the prospect of taking the health ...

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    Survey: new year optimism outweighs financial fears


    A survey of 648 managers and leaders, published today by the Chartered Management Institute, shows that the mood of optimism in the sector remains despite fears over increasing business taxation and inflation.Key findings included that most managers in the health sector believe employment levels are unlikely to drop and the ...