All Acute care articles – Page 470

  • News

    Conservatives call for free hospital parking for vulnerable people


    Hospital car parking should be free for the most critically ill patients, say the London Assembly Conservatives responding to the latest Department of Health guidelines.Elizabeth Howlett, Assembly Member for Merton and Wandsworth and deputy chair of the assembly health and public services committee said:'We are calling on the government to ...

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    Lack of evidence on link between cancer and HRT, says charity


    A cancer charity has stated that there is not enough evidence to link a sharp drop in US breast cancer cases to a decrease in HRT uptake.Breakthrough Breast Cancer senior policy and information officer Dr Sarah Cant said: 'It's encouraging that the incidence of breast cancer in the US has ...

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    Think tank slams NHS reform


    The think tank Reform has accused the NHS of failing to develop a coherent vision for change, and warned that unless the government tackles 'centralised, dysfunctional bureaucracy', its funding and policy achievements will go to waste.Author Ian Smith, a private sector manager interviewed for the NHS chief executive's post this ...

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    DoH puts safety first


    The Department of Health has issued a report on improving support patient safety in the NHS.Safety First - a report for patients, clinicians and healthcare managerssays the National Patient Safety Agency should be 'refocused' on collecting and analysing information through its national reporting and learning system, and that this should ...

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    Call for National IT programme revamp


    The British Computer Society has called for a major re-evaluation of the National Programme for IT in the NHS.The society's health informatics forum says the programme has achieved some significant successes around infrastructure, but has slowed the deployment of local systems. It also says elements of the NHS Core Records ...

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    Seasonal gloom at the BMA


    The British Medical Association has picked up on health secretary Patricia Hewitt's comment that the NHS has had its 'best year ever' by publishing its own review of the Best of Years, the Worst of Years.Overall, it says that while there have been some ...

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    New assisted reproduction proposals published


    The government has also published a white paper setting out its proposals for an overhaul of the law on assisted human reproduction and embryology research and the bodies that regulate this area and the use of human tissues.The paper says a Regulatory Authority for Tissue and Embryos, to be known ...

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    Emma Dent


    'Getting drunk in front of your mum is too embarrassing to contemplate'

  • Comment

    A year in review: catching up with the excess in 12 turbulent months


    2006 has been dominated by efficiency drives and government reforms. Financial problems began to bite and the public took to the streets over attempts to revamp local services. Amid the financial storm, NHS chief executive Sir Nigel Crisp resigned and only two trusts got top marks in the Healthcare Commission's ...

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    NICE chair calls for implementation push as GPs warn of drug companies' influence


    The chair of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has floated the idea that it should spend more on ensuring guidance gets implemented than it does on producing the advice.

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    Private provider queries future of comprehensive NHS care


    The NHS will be forced to abandon its founding principle of providing a comprehensive service 'free at the point of delivery' by 2015, a leading private sector provider has predicted.

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    Operating framework: updated principles put new emphasis on dignity


    The Department of Health is consulting on a set of 10 principles to which all NHS organisations and contractors must sign up.

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    DoH accepts 'double deficit' argument, but no decision yet


    The government has said it accepts the case against the 'double deficit' accounting system for acute trusts - but has delayed a decision on whether to scrap it until the end of this financial year.

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    Lord Warner retires


    Prime minister Tony Blair has announced the resignation of health minister Lord Warner, who has decided to retire.Mr Blair complimented Lord Warner on an 'outstanding' contribution to health service reform, while the minister described his three-and-a-half years at the Department of Health as 'busy and enjoyable'.The NHS Confederation said Lord ...

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    More long-waiters in audiology


    The Department of Health has released its monthly update on diagnostic waiting times and hospital episodes statistics.The figures for October include a wider range of audiology tests than previously and have uncovered more long-waiters in this area.Read the press release here

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    Consultant physicians change the way they work


    Consultant physicians have changed the way they work dramatically over the past five years for the benefit of seriously ill patients.The 2005 census of consultant physicians, carried out by the Federation of Royal Colleges of Physicians, shows substantial growth in acute medicine as a specialty and fundamental changes in the ...

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    NICE publishes guidelines on obesity in adults and children


    The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has issued its first ever national guidelines addressing both the prevention and treatment of obesity in adults and children.It says diet changes and exercise, supported by behaviour change, should be the first-line treatment for adults who are overweight or obese, followed by ...

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    High-impact changes for GUM services released


    A guide to 10 High-impact Changes for Genitouninary Medicine 48-hour Accesshas been published. The measures include developing a separate pathway for low-risk patients, reviewing current access arranagments and reorganising clinic opening hours.Read the guide ...

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    Guidance launched on HIV positive asylum seekers


    The National Aids Trust has published guidance on the dispersal of HIV positive asylum seekers for healthcare and voluntary sector workers. The guidance states that asylum seekers should only be dispersed if they are medically stable, adequate notice about the move has been provided and ...

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    Over 40 maternity units may be closed or downgraded, Conservatives claim


    The Conservative Party has claimed it has identified 43 maternity units under threat of being downgraded or closed, of which 21 are midwife-led and 22 consultant-led. Of the 43, 26 of the maternity units are operated by providers which finished the 2005-06 financial year in ...