All Acute care articles – Page 477

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Andrew Castle on measuring performance


    'If we are interested in productivity, quality of output and whether services are being delivered on time and at the right cost, theatre use is not the right measure.'

  • News

    Efficiency savings costed at £2.2bn


    The Department of Health is to expand the number of productivity indicators on which trusts are compared as the first set of figures revealed the NHS could save £2.2bn a year if it improved its efficiency.

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    Inappropriate admissions: guidance to urge 12.5pc cut


    The prime minister's delivery unit is taking a key role in shaping 'crisp' new guidance for primary care trusts to reduce inappropriate hospital admissions and save over £1.4bn a year.

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    Unions demand 'decent' pay increase


    The 14 unions that make up the NHS Staff Council staff side have blasted a 1.5 per cent pay rise the Department of Health is predicted to propose. In a joint press conference the unions outlined their case for a 'decent' pay rise based on ...

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    Boosting nursing numbers could save lives, says RCN


    Patients on wards with fewer nurses are more likely to experience complications, according to research launched by the Royal College of Nursing. The research also found that nurses working on wards with lower numbers of nurses are more likely to experience burn out.Read the press release ...

  • News

    Private finance guidance for trusts published


    New draft guidance which will help NHS trusts select, evaluate and appoint private sector bidders in private finance schemes has been published by the Department of Health.The guidance has been developed in conjunction with the Treasury, private sector contractors and managers of NHS organisations that have been through private finance ...

  • News

    New NI guidance for child death procedures


    The Northern Irish Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety has published a consultation paper on procedures to be followed in cases of sudden unexpected child deaths.The regional child death review protocol recommends a multi-agency approach to be followed in cases on unexpected deaths of children up to 18 ...

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    Lord Warner welcomes millionth choose and book referral


    More than one million referrals to specialist care have been made through choose and book by GPs across England, health minister Lord Warner has announced.He said 85 per cent of all practices were using the IT system to make referrals, and more than 6,000 practices made referrals last week.Read the ...

  • News

    Law on assisted dying is 'not working', says charity


    A charity campaigning for the legalisation of euthanasia has argued that the UK is failing terminally ill people and their loved ones.On Friday, David March was given a 12-month suspended sentence for helping his wife, who had suffered from multiple sclerosis, to die.Dignity in Dying chief executive Deborah Annetts said ...

  • News

    NHS could save £2.2bn by tackling inefficiency


    The NHS could save up to £2.2bn if trusts take steps to address wide variations in productivity and efficiency.The Department of Health has published its Better care, better valueindicators, which show trust-by-trust performance against a range of measures.Reducing unnecessary admissions could unlock £348m, and ...

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    Response to NHS charges report


    The Department of Health has published its response to July's Commons health select committee report on NHS charging. The response covers charges levied on patients and families for prescription dental charges, sight tests, additional charges for some clinical services, assistance with transport costs and charges ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    In practice: reducing length of stay


    Reducing hospital length of stay is an effective way to address the challenges of productivity and NHS financial efficiency.

  • News

    Dignity nurse plan scrapped


    Plans for hospitals to appoint a 'dignity nurse' have been dropped after the proposal was 'misinterpreted'.

  • News

    Dr Natalie-Jane Macdonald on GPs and commissioning


    'Strategic health authorities and GPs must represent the best interests of the citizen and patient... However, they face some pretty daunting challenges'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Sharing management between hospital and community


    Glaucoma treatment: Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals foundation trust

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    Child visitors face ban


    A hospital trust has drawn up contingency plans to severely restrict child visitors if patients are at risk from diarrhoea and vomiting bugs.

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    Food still leaves bad taste in patients' mouths


    Almost half of hospital patients supplement their hospital food with offerings brought in by visitors, the biggest survey of its kind has revealed.

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    Lansley: at-risk hospitals 'better off as charities'


    Many community hospitals at risk of closure 'would be better off with charitable status' than remaining in the NHS, shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has said.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    News analysis: Five years and billions of pounds later, what has changed since Wanless?


    Sir Derek Wanless's 2002 report prompted the chancellor to pump billions into the health service - but called for reform too. Now he is back to pack another punch by examining how wisely the money was spent and set out lessons for the future. Daniel Martin reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    No need for foundations to get in a stew if the mix is right


    The new governance code provides the five key ingredients with which foundation trusts can help boards develop effective leadership and cultivate roots in the community. Monitor chair Bill Moyes explains