All Admissions and discharge articles – Page 15
HSJ Local
Trust bucks trend in norovirus outbreaks
PERFORMANCE: Despite a national increase in the number of norovirus cases Nottingham University Hospitals Trust has reported a significant reduction in outbreaks over the winter period.
HSJ Local
Trust calls for more early discharges
PERFORMANCE: Early discharge of patients before noon is a key action for staff at Nottingham University Hospitals Trust.
How to transform long-term care services
Long-term services can learn from changes in mental health
Asthma cases 'down after smoke ban'
The number of children admitted to hospital with symptoms of asthma has fallen since the ban on smoking in enclosed public places came into effect, a study has found.
HSJ Local
Darent Valley closes to A&E admissions
PERFORMANCE: Dartford and Gravesham Trust was forced to close its accident and emergency department to admissions for the first time, after running out of beds earlier this month.
HSJ Knowledge
Best of 2012: long-term conditions
Long-term conditions is the subject of this selection of best practice content
HSJ Knowledge
Best of 2012: mental health
This round-up of best practice articles looks at mental health
HSJ Knowledge
Fast-forward to quicker discharge
Trusts should look to processes closer the home to reduce delayed discharge
A timely strategy for hospitals to cope with demand
Acute trusts cannot prevent overcrowding but they can reduce demand
HSJ Knowledge
South Staffordshire’s approach to surge planning
Working collaboratively to address winter pressures
HSJ Knowledge
Liaison psychiatry can bridge the gap
A joint approach to managing physical and mental care is a prime example of integration
HSJ Knowledge
The principles behind integrated care for older people
How South Warwickshire FT transformed older people’s services
HSJ Local
Bolton bucks regional trend of head injury admissions
PERFORMANCE: An analysis has found a low rate of hospital admissions for head injuries in Bolton, despite much of the North West having higher than average rates.
It's time to rethink payment by results
The landscape has changed, and with it so should the tariff system
Let's find the political will to integrate care
The NHS should focus on integration not more fragmentation
HSJ Local
Somerset Partnership fails readmission target
PERFORMANCE: Somerset Partnership Foundation Trust had a psychiatric emergency readmission rate of 12.6 per cent in August against a target of 10 per cent.
HSJ Local
Hillingdon Hospitals readmission rate up on last year
PERFORMANCE: Hillingdon Hospitals Foundation Trust’s readmissions rate is 7.9 per cent for the year-to-date, up on 7.5 per cent in the same period last year.
HSJ Knowledge
Easing winter pressures
Consultant-delivered multidisciplinary team working is providing a host of positive outcomes